Metal Slug Wiki

General morden

General Donald Morden (ドナルド・モーデン), nicknamed Devil Rebirth Morden (デビルリバース・モーデン), is the leader of the Rebel Army and the main antagonist of Metal Slug series. He is often seen riding in his personal Space Tank.


Prior to Metal Slug[]

After graduating from the academy with a scholarship, Morden joined the Regular Army Marine Corps, later becoming the Intelligence Agency Tactical Commander and the Far Eastern Garrison Commander before rising to the rank of Field Marshal. In this time, he had a reputation of being a tough, efficient, and caring officer of the Regular Army, and is held in high regard by his troops. He was also a caring father to his daughter. However, in 2023, Morden lost both of his wife and daughter in the Central Department Store terror bombing. It was believed that this was one of the reasons for his later betrayal.

In the year 2026, Morden finally launched his coup d'état to destroy the Regular Army and conquer the world. The Rebel Army swiftly defeated the Regular Army and took over all of the world's major cities within 170 hours. Upon learning of Morden's betrayal and his ruthlessness, the US President stated that he was the reincarnation of the devil, earning him the nickname "Devil Rebirth".[1]

Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001[]

During the two years after Donald Morden's initial attack, survivors of the Regular Army formed a resistance and began developing a new weapon, the all-purpose tank SV-001 "Metal Slug". Their initial plan was to stockpile multiple tanks and unleash a massive assault on the Rebel Army. However, in 2028, Morden launched a surprise attack and stole the caches containing the Metal Slugs.

In response, the Regular Army ordered the special team P.F. Squad to destroy the Rebel Army's bases and either capture or destroy the stolen Metal Slugs. PF Squad members Marco Rossi and Tarma Roving took part in this mission.[2]

As the two arrived at Ronbertburg City to destroy the local Rebel forces, Morden attempted to escape in the Hairbuster Riberts, a large Rebel Army bomber that was still in development. As he was pursued by the PF Squad, he fired at them using a bazooka, but his plane was still shot down.

Morden was able to survive the crash. He later engaged the PF Squad in his hideout in the Straits of Traven, aboard the Hi-Do helicopter. However, he was once again defeated, ending the conflict.

Metal Slug 2/X[]

Two years after Morden's coup, the Rebel Army's remnants continued small-scale attacks around the world. However, the Regular Army discovered that these actions were part of a much larger plan, and the only man who could command the Rebel Army on a worldwide scale was Morden.

The Regular Army deployed two agents from the Intelligence Agency's SPARROWS team, Eri Kasamoto and Fio Germi, along with PF Squad members Marco and Tarma, to investigate this new uprising. Eventually, the team discovered that Morden had made a pact with an army of Martians.

The team confronted Morden, who was now in a new Space Tank built using Martian technology. However, the Martians turned on him, killing his soldiers and easily destroying his Space Tank. Morden was pulled up by a Dai-Manji's tractor beam. As the team battled the Dai-Manji, the Rebel Army air force battled Martian flying saucers.

After the Dai-Manji was disabled, it was absorbed by the Martian mothership Rugname. The team and the Rebels temporarily joined forces against the massive UFO. Eventually, a Rebel pilot launched a kamikaze attack on the Rugname's death ray in his Eaca-B, forcing it to retreat. Before it left, it dropped the Dai-Manji holding Morden, which exploded, leaving behind Morden strapped to an operating table. The Rebel Army cheered at the return of their leader, however, the table fell face down, crushing Morden. The Rebel leader was declared killed in an accident by the Regular Army.[3]

Metal Slug 3[]

Before anything was known, the Martians kidnapped General Morden and sent a Martian disguised as him to lead the Rebel Army to build more power for a new uprising. The fake Morden erroneously wore an eyepatch on his left eye instead of his right eye. Soon, as strange supernatural phenomena occurred throughout the world, Marco, Tarma, Eri and Fio once again are sent into battle. After the fake Morden was defeated, he revealed his true nature, captured one of the Regular Army soldiers, and fled to the Rugname. Once again the Rebels and Regular Army formed a temporary alliance to take down the aliens.

After fighting their way to the command center, the player finds Morden being tortured via electrocution inside a torture room. Both Morden and the captured soldier are rescued, and the Martians are ultimately defeated. Morden is last seen in his underwear flying a commandeered Space Tank with the Rebels in Mini-UFOs, laughing triumphantly.

Metal Slug 6[]

After a time of inactivity, the Regular Army notices a Rebel base on an open savanna, so the PF squad and SPARROWS are again sent to investigate, alongside two spec-ops soldiers Ralf Jones and Clark Still. Morden and a few Martians ride the Iron Sentinel as a means to stop the heroes. Upon its destruction, Morden and two Mars People capture the PF soldiers. However, their victory is short-lived as winged aliens suddenly appear and kill the two Mars People by eating their flesh, while Morden is dropped into the ground. He reveals that the Rebel Army and the Mars People were lifting the disabled Rootmars from the sea when strange aliens appeared and started killing the Mars People and his soldiers. A temporary alliance is made between the three groups to defeat these Invaders.

If the player does not ride Rootmars in the fourth mission, after killing the Invader King, Morden will rescue the PF soldiers.

Metal Slug 4[]

The Rebel Army, as well as Morden, have disappeared from the face of the Earth, leaving no shadows. As the SPARROWS are investigating a Cyber-Menace called the White Baby Virus, created by a group that refers to itself as the Amadeus Syndicate, a satellite camera gets a record of what seems to be General Morden using the Amadeus insignia. Without much options, PF squad and SPARROWS are sent to investigate. They find him in The Iron, an Iron Nokana-like vehicle, though it was a fake Morden who escaped via an MH-6S. Several android copies of him were also found in the communications facility.

Metal Slug 7/XX[]

Information about Morden surfaced after noticing in a documentary of a controversial island landfill a Rebel soldier walking on the island's shores, so the PF Squad and SPARROWS are joined once again with Ralf, Clark, and Leona to investigate. Morden is soon found in the Worm Mecha and fights them, but is defeated. Morden is revealed to have survived and is upset that he cannot do anything. Suddenly, a portal materializes and strange soldiers appear and salute him. These soldiers are actually Morden's soldiers from the future, and as a result, he starts a new uprising with them.

The PF Squad and SPARROWS eventually reach the main base. Morden is seen commanding from a Di-Cokka tank, utilizing the portal to send troops, vehicles, and launch energy spheres in an another attempt to kill them. His plans fail as the portal is destroyed, but a strange vehicle appears at the last second and Morden is dragged into it.

The Kraken is eventually confronted outside and destroyed. Morden is apprehended again, but the Mars People help him escape.

Metal Slug Attack[]

Morden continues to lead the Rebel Army, retaining his role as the Rebel Army's leader. He usually leaves the work to his subordinates Allen O'Neil and Abigail, remaining behind the scenes until someone or something gets or requires his attention.

While cornering the Professor, he was forcefully transformed into a woman. The act wounded his dignity, but he still continued to fight and he even obtained fans in the process. Fortunately, the change was only temporary and he returned to his normal self.


In the past, Morden is described as a charismatic, dependable, and reliable person. However, his personality changed greatly when his daughter and wife were killed, turning him insane and vengeful. Upon seeing the player, he often laughs in a mocking tone.

In most of the games which he appears in, he is often humiliated by either the PF soldiers or traitors, and the end result often leaves him in his underwear. Nevertheless, Morden retains his charisma and commanding skill, thus were able to maintain the loyal subordinates despite numerous defeats. Additionally, he is not hesitate to cooperate with his former enemy when the greater threats were present.

In Metal Slug Attack, Morden shows an almost equal attitude from the original game. He possesses a great interest on Orochi and "his Blood" in the Extra Ops "Blood Runaway" and informs to Abigail to find samples of the girl and the recording of the confrontation and send them to Navy for future investigation


Despite being from Canada, Donald Morden's design in appearance is based from Saddam Hussein, Adolf Hitler, and Joseph Stalin.


Model and Sprite Gallery[]


  1. Metal Slug Official Guidebook (1997), pg. 7 [1]
  2. Metal Slug Anthology manual (2006), pg. 9 [2]
  3. Metal Slug 3 manual
Heroes Main Series Marco RossiTarma RovingEri KasamotoFio GermiTrevor SpaceyNadia CasselRalf JonesClark StillLeona Heidern
Spin-Offs Walter RyanTyra ElsonHeroGimletRed EyeTequila
Mobile Roberto NicolaNathalie NeoAlisa StewartHeltonTildeNikitaMatildaAmirWhipHeidernMerris
Support Hyakutaro IchimonjiRumi AikawaMadoka AikawaUtanNavelSelinaIssenman TarouErisHyakumantaroPupipi
Villains Main Series Donald MordenAllen O'NeilAbul AbbasRootmarsDoctorAvatar of EvilInvader King
Spin-Offs Allen Jr.OgumaMacbaLt. WiredKananHilde GarnPaqar
Mobile Unknown AlienVictorPtolemaiosAnubis the ChainedNanookDalia
Pachinko Sosuke N KagamiharaVasser GutenschiffRita KanikojaSagan and Logan Gail
Instructors Sophia GreenvilleMargaret SouthwoodRiviera von WittenbergMaryell von WittenbergCynthia HartnettAnne
NPC AnnouncerPOWsParkerGrey AlienSachiko SuzukiGerhardt City CiviliansColonel HartChris KeyAlexander SuvorovBabyScott Amundsen Jr.MinerGenie of LampOrcaPresident MarxSurvivorsFishmanFinnSailorChinese Soldier
Crossover KOF TeamBattle Cats
Unused Phil GeneMichiko NakajimaAngry Man • "Achilles" • "Tabomba" • Goddess AncorAbu
Metal Slug: Awakening
Heroes Original LylaEva GlennHaranScarlettGru KangSayaKukikEisernerJoeLilithAmeDong HuanlongIlumFreyjaEskeAuroraMartinaShadowHorae
Crossover VioletKyo KusanagiAlessioSun ShangxiangMarco Polo
NPC AmirEliaCelineVictorAsukaMiaLambertGaddCrowLucasClub ButlerClub ManagerSiruiAceAndreShirleyEve • "Elaine" • BucaraEileenHasanSalemKemut CiviliansHachooDr. DeeEugeniaNesoLauraAjaxTheoUtanHeeroIshtarUtharWizzChadKing HaroldMimirNiordYmirCarolineCharlesOdinEric McCannyOliveMeituan MascotIvan
Villains PharaohTarpuShabtiKatherineSilenceMechanistDr. NeanderSidEchoGalooCaesarenesMisha
Metal Slug Attack
Regular Army Associates MS-AliceAnna WieseMidori SchumannMelloRita LewinskyAmberNikitaReika BradfordLouiseGiseeMS-HeartAshleyRockyGrowlJephetVictoriaClaudiaKanaeHowellPhiElizabeth MarianiUndoCharlotteNayutaro Ichimonji
Metal Device Project PercheAmiMollyMenzelUlalaMaggieAvvioQuaithKaren
KOF Mai ShiranuiTerry BogardKula DiamondK'Athena Asamiya
Rebel Army Associates RapidJuliaChloeIzabellaEddaGrowth & ClineNaomiAleshaJane Doe
ACE AbigailDionRomyKriemhildKatalina
"Frozen Brigade" BeatrizVickyDolores
Blaze Brigade GraziaLorettaNorah
Allen Platoon DestradeHuracanConnyNantesPadwahOlgaVirginia
Science Department VitaNavyNovaEmmaMillefieSylfieFluffyEight Eight
Arabian Army ShizukaAisha
MRAW Extra Raven
Ptolemaic Army Rebellion DragunovYoshinoCarolineVeronicaSisiliaTowaSimonMiharuChunyanOwenShoLucyPhoebeJosetteMizunaMatildaLittle Lady BlackSvetlaHumphreyLithosYutongTatyanaCicaLinhuaValette
Cultists Mira D. GenesisMariaDamianAchettoSallyCaraOao-OneSorceress
Secret Sect Anastasia IVBelieversBeechamMelvinaAnastasia IZahara
Others Reverse TrinityPtolemaios Shadow
Space Army Martians Professor "Aionion"Mars People NeoPercierClone AbbyClone BettyMars People RangersAriadnaGemini TwinsHalleBonnyClarioHarriotCode Marionette:UnPaulineLeoneClarisDracoRaubtierMalkuthMostro
Invaders OdetteAnnetteLydiaNowanSchwarz MetzeleiFedeln MetzeleiRillacleFrankeTelekoBloom MetzeleiOdileBersekGeweih MetzeleiPurple KingBarbelnBiene GoldenesSwordeistDrache GoldenesEis MonstrumAi AgateLiebenGoldenes KriegerPictura
Unaffiliated UnsignedLi Lin
Independent Army Amadeus Syndicate White BabyAlmaOttoIron FortressValerian BearsFirst BabyType:Ant-LionSweet BabyMelk
Red Goblin Society Scotia AmundsenRed GoblinVatnJinIreneElenaLichtIchimaWendyBushin TenzanMaki
Mummy Army PharaohCleopatraHemetArsinoeHatholSharifaRamalSekhatWepset
Vampires AswangAgaliaSharlGrace
Yuki Tsuki Hana KaguraKeisetsuTsukikageOuka
"World Military Corp." KellyMayaMirror Mantis
Mirage Circus CocatrixBunnyFlan
Unaffiliated El DoradoElysionEstherTeresaMinervaYang DaoIdoPhiliaHisui