Metal Slug Wiki

The Flying Parasite is a recurring enemy in Metal Slug 6, and are commonly seen controlling Chinese Soldiers.


This breed of Invader is a small floating creature with three compound eyes and tendrils on its sides. It uses the tendrils to drain its victim's flesh, but it can also attach itself to the victim's brain and control them. The victims, if they manage to escape from control, will be unscathed.

When the Flying Parasite attaches itself to a Chinese Soldier, it will take a grenade for the soldier to toss. It can also stretch its tendrils to attack the player.

If the tendrils latch on the player, then the Flying Parasite will suck their innards until their clothes remain. The death scene by this attack is the only scene in the series where the player character doesn't audibly scream.


Flying Parasites[]

Flying Parasite Flying Parasite: The most common variant.
Item Parasite Light Purple Flying Parasite: This variant doesn't attack and carries items for the player.
Flying Parasite Type-E: A dark purple Flying Parasite that is stronger than its lesser counterparts. Even if the host is killed, the parasite is still capable of fighting by itself. Appears in Metal Slug Attack.
FlyingCommander "Controller": An advanced Flying Parasite. Its eyes protrude out of its head on eye stalks, and it has a cord that controls one of the playable characters. Instead of attacking directly, it uses its host to attack with a wide array of moves. Unlike other parasites, it cannot be killed directly; instead the host must be injured for the cord to detach. It serves as a mini-boss for the final mission.

Possessed Soldiers[]

Possesed Walk Possessed Soldier: A Chinese Soldier that got possessed by a Flying Parasite.
Possessed Soldier Type-E: Soldiers that were possessed by a Flying Parasite Type-E. they exceed at evading attacks and the host is still capable of fighting by itself without the parasite.
Controlled Soldier: Soldiers who are controlled by a Controller Parasite.


  • Its sprites have similarities to other sprites from previous games:
    • The soldiers it is mind-controlling are recycled sprites from the Scientists.
    • The idle and moving sprites of the mind-controlled soldiers are reused from the zombified Rebel Infantry.
    • Its attack method is similar to that of a Huge Locust in which it swoops down and grabs the flailing player before eating their innards.
  • It is similar to the Headcrabs from the Half-Life series.


Sprite Gallery[]

Metal Slug 6
Heroes Marco RossiTarma RovingEri KasamotoFio GermiRalf JonesClark Still
NPCs Riviera von WittenbergMaryell von WittenbergPOWRumi AikawaMadoka AikawaHyakutaro IchimonjiDonald MordenRebel ArmyChinese SoldierMartiansRootmarsInvadersAnnouncerParkerPupipi
Enemies FanaticsGrenade SoldierBazooka SoldierShielded SoldierRebel RiflemanMortarGatling SoldierHuntersMars PeopleMini-UFOInvader InfantryWinged InvaderFlying ParasiteHunter WalkerGiant Hunter WalkerSpace Mole CricketCrab-TankVanguardSmasherInvader UFOFlying SheltFlying CoreFlying KillerMaggot
Enemy Vehicles Di-CokkaT-2B Melty HoneyMV-280CNop-03 SarubiaGirida-OM-15A Bradley3-ton Utility TruckWalking LocomotiveR-ShobuMH-6S Masknell
Bosses Bull DrillIron SentinelBrain RobotElder CentipedeInvader King
Mini-Bosses: Controller
Weapons Heavy Machine GunRocket LauncherShotgunFlame ShotEnemy ChaserIron LizardSuper GrenadeDrop ShotTwo Machine GunsZantetsu SwordGrenadeFire Bomb
Slugs SV-001 (Type-R) • Slug FlyerDonkey SlugProtogunnerRootmars SlugSlug Digger
Missions African WindsThe Illusion of El DoradoAsian ImpactGolden Bridge is Falling DownAncient Law
Other Combat SchoolWeapon StockRush Blaster SystemCrane
Infantries Regular InfantryRebel InfantryArabian InfantryJaponese InfantryPiratesScientistsAmadeus InfantryPtolemaic InfantryNativesHuntersFuture RebelsBelieversDesert RebelsTuatha De DanannCavemen
Soldiers FanaticsGrenade SoldierBazooka SoldierShielded SoldierBikersRebel RiflemanMinelayer SoldierMortarGatling SoldierRocket DiverMarine DiverCannon DiverHazmat SoldierAirborne SoldierIce Hell SoldierPretty Morden DoubleGuerrillaSpecial ForcesCommanderMasked SoldierHarpoon DiverPowered Rebel SoldierLava SpecialistDemolition EngineerDriller EngineerBayonet SoldierArrogant ScientistBombardier CaptainFlame-Throwing ManSkyfire GuardVanguard BurrowerFar East SoldierBonesaw DoctorWhitebeak GunnerBluefeather WarriorCloud-Piercing ArcherVulture Cavalry
Undead Mummies (Mummy Generator) • Dog MummyMutated SoldiersZombiesTar ManClonesRelentless Zombie ArmyMummy CatMummy WarriorBonenoidZombie WarriorMummy ArcherExecutioner MummyBlack Jackal JarDeath GuardBug Master MummySerpentman GuardSerpent PriestJackal WarriorFalconman
Robotic Sensor MineSupervisory CameraPatrol RobotMorden RobotAmadeus RobotWall DroneUnitsMole MissileLaser DronePodsRebel WalkerValerian BearsConstruction GolemStone GolemDrone CameraSpider DroidBomb KidCounter DiscQuad-pedal Mobile CannonSuper Alloy NinjaMech DroneCyclone WheelsMech WarriorEyeball MineUnderwater Spike TrapSkycourt OverseerSkycourt ClawSkycourt WingSkycourt CleanerT-2B Melty Honey - AirWarning WarriorM-15A IIISarubia Mobile CannonIce Fang Bully
Mutants Chowmein-CongaOhumein-CongaEnormous MorayJellyfishFlying KillerMan EaterHuge LocustSasquatchMaggotBig SnailGiant CaterpillarSquidHuge IvyAssaultpengFlame HoundSuper SoldierSteel Conga Jr.Armed ArmadilloLava CrabWormWall BugFiery LizardBat KingNinja MantisLava TurtleMutated AntPoison Bomb FlowerMutated MothMartyr SlugAnnoying MosquitoBig-Bellied SpiderDesert ScorpionMein-CongaOverweight BeetleBaby CentipedeMonkey SoldierMonkey OfficerFungus FragrantiaFist Fungus BeastTurtle TurretTitan ArumSnapping Plant
Alien Mars PeopleMonoeyeRing Laser MechaHopper MechaMars MechaTiny UFOMars SatelliteMini-UFOTripodMars People RangersInvader InfantryWinged InvaderFlying ParasiteHunter WalkerGiant Hunter WalkerSpace Mole CricketCrab-TankVanguardSmasherInvader UFOFlying SheltFlying Core
Aquatic Black Magic Curse DemonPatrol EchinusArgonaut SailorBluefin SwordsmanFishfolk GunnerHexapod EnforcerAtlan WarriorVolt SoldierSea God GuardKnight CongaFighter CongaAmmonite SquidPuffer Boxing ChampionMegalodon Vanguard
Animals WatchdogBatChariotBeesOctopusMountain BearCrowMoleSilverwing AssassinArmer Eagle
Mythical Sand SpiritMini Djinn