Metal Slug Wiki

The Invader King (侵略者の王 Shinryakusha no Ō)[1] is the leader of the Invaders and the main antagonist and final boss of Metal Slug 6.


Originally, information of the Invaders was unknown to the Regular Army prior defeating the Iron Sentinel and seeing the Invaders. Morden explains that the Rebel Army and the Martians formed a new alliance to get rid of the Invaders. Both factions attempted to rescue Rootmars from the ocean before the Invaders came to attack. They were excavating the ground in Mission 1 to find the Invaders' base.

True to his word, the Invader King, alongside most of the Invaders, is located deep underground. Reaching there is a large cavern full of organic and fleshy structures. The Invader King itself is situated inside of a cocoon producing new Invaders. With the help of the Rebel Army, the cocoon is destroyed, and the Invader King is presumed dead... Until it beams its eyes up and starts the fight on its own.


The Invader King breathes out various energy blasts. It can also shoot an eye beam that slowly follows the player. Sometimes its body will light up and produce energy waves that fly in at various directions; the green waves can be destroyed for items.

As the Invader King takes damage, it breathes out a wave that snaps out the squishy platform beneath the heroes and slowly climbs down. Once defeated on the sixth platform, it slips from the walls and takes the heroes into free-fall. The Invader King produces waves that fall in wavy patterns. These waves must be shot at in order to avoid getting hit by them. The Invader King is invulnerable at this state until it eventually falls to its impending death.

The heroes barely survive by hanging on the very edge. The Invader King falls and implodes causing a colossal fireball. It blinds the heroes making them fall to their doom. Depending on the route taken in Mission 4, the heroes are miraculously saved by either Morden or Rootmars.

The player has access to the SV-001 Type-R found in the previous section after defeating the Controller. The Slug is useful for its high jump to launch cannons on the Invader King's face and to dodge its speedy attacks by quickly exiting and entering the Slug. The Vulcan's rate of fire is handy for destroying the waves during free-fall.

Other Appearances[]

Metal Slug Attack[]

The Invader King which its proper name was revealed was introduced in Metal Slug Attack as a playable unit. It serves as the Space Army's Ultimate Boss.

Similarly to the Avatar of Evil, the Invader King has been outfitted with custom sprites of its own in order to be used on the map. As the original Invader King was not meant to be a movable humanoid target like the common enemies before it, it squats on the map, and moves by jumping into the air and landing on the nearest enemy unit, crushing them with its weight.

As with all Ultimate Bosses, the Invader King is deployed onto the nearest enemy unit. It utilizes its mass to attack enemies - charging its hand against close up enemies, leaping and stomping on distant ones, and shooting out numerous lasers from both its mouth and chest. The energy blasts and wave attacks were not incorporated into its attack pattern. Similarly to the original series, it also utilizes eye beams, targeting the unit that caused it to stagger, in addition to a powerful suicide attack when killed. If placed in a deck consisting of only Alien units, it also provides an AP-like Fever Time effect.

Another variant of the Invader King makes use of its cocoon sprites, known as the King's Cocoon. When deployed, it also summons two Controllers that provides secondary support for friendly units. After enough time has passed, should the cocoon still remain intact, the King awakens from its cocoon and becomes a playable Invader King, although slightly weaker than its standalone counterpart, nor does it provide any buffs for the player's Space Army units.



  • The Invader King bears a strong resemblance to Emperor Demon Gyaba, an enemy appearing in most games of Konami's Contra series, regularly as a final boss.
  • Prior to Metal Slug Attack's English reveal of the name, it was often referred to by players as the Invader Queen or Venusian Queen. "Queen" stemming from the fact the Invader King is located in some sort of breeding chamber and was assumed it was the matron of the Invaders.


Metal Slug 6
Heroes Marco RossiTarma RovingEri KasamotoFio GermiRalf JonesClark Still
NPCs Riviera von WittenbergMaryell von WittenbergPOWRumi AikawaMadoka AikawaHyakutaro IchimonjiDonald MordenRebel ArmyChinese SoldierMartiansRootmarsInvadersAnnouncerParkerPupipi
Enemies FanaticsGrenade SoldierBazooka SoldierShielded SoldierRebel RiflemanMortarGatling SoldierHuntersMars PeopleMini-UFOInvader InfantryWinged InvaderFlying ParasiteHunter WalkerGiant Hunter WalkerSpace Mole CricketCrab-TankVanguardSmasherInvader UFOFlying SheltFlying CoreFlying KillerMaggot
Enemy Vehicles Di-CokkaT-2B Melty HoneyMV-280CNop-03 SarubiaGirida-OM-15A Bradley3-ton Utility TruckWalking LocomotiveR-ShobuMH-6S Masknell
Bosses Bull DrillIron SentinelBrain RobotElder CentipedeInvader King
Mini-Bosses: Controller
Weapons Heavy Machine GunRocket LauncherShotgunFlame ShotEnemy ChaserIron LizardSuper GrenadeDrop ShotTwo Machine GunsZantetsu SwordGrenadeFire Bomb
Slugs SV-001 (Type-R) • Slug FlyerDonkey SlugProtogunnerRootmars SlugSlug Digger
Missions African WindsThe Illusion of El DoradoAsian ImpactGolden Bridge is Falling DownAncient Law
Other Combat SchoolWeapon StockRush Blaster SystemCrane
Metal Slug Attack
Main Characters Marco RossiEri KasamotoTarma RovingFio GermiDonald MordenAllen O'NeilAbigailPtolemaiosDragunovYoshinoProfessorRed Goblin
Factions Regular ArmyRebel ArmyPtolemaic Army • Space Army (MartiansInvaders) • Independent (Amadeus SyndicateMummy Army)
Sub-Groups Metal Device ProjectBlaze BrigadeFrozen BrigadeACEMutantsBelieversMars People RangersMetzeleisVampiresYuki Tsuki HanaMirage CircusRed Goblin SocietyValerian BearsWorld Military Corp.
Other List of Metal Slug Attack Characters
Enemy Vehicles and Slugs
Regular Army Slug AttackerSlug DefenderSlug RisingTS-001Ball SlugGiant CopterSlug SquareTiger SlugCoil TankTail SlugAshley's Slug FlyerPatrol SlugPhi's 3D PrinterSlug Sniper
Rebel Army Iwa OhJulia's MV-280NaglfarDenturionAlesha's BikeArmed TiltrotorVicky's SarubiaDolores' SarubiaNantes' TankEmma's Recycle BoxLoretta's Blaze VortexMarineskFight CabFluffymeranianEight Eight
Ptolemaic Army D-001 TanbalTowa's MechGIP-03 BergeniaSnordonGlidronHumphrey's HoverboardHammer DX5005Sisilia's Seaside Machine
Space Army Mars GigantalosMars SweeperPurple KingLeone's ShoePauline's Mech
Independent Army El Dorado's Slug ArmorMinerva's OstrichMaya's ExcavatorKagura's Samurai MechConstruction Golem
Mechanized/AI/Unmanned MS-AliceMS-HeartWadeWhite BabyFirst BabyIron FortressMachynaType:Ant-LionPhi
Extra Ops PtolemaiosSky Jupiter KingDoctor Type: AISea Dragon
Recapture Mega Drill SlugQueen Big SnailRiviere HyllGaia ElephantMetal Fusioner No.223Drum SlugMars WolfTetsujin SquadDark GateAccelerator CannonLife Reaper
Try Line Ball SlugGreat MotherK-O3 Coupled Armored VehicleLand BlowfishCyclobsterSlug SquareZoni DolomaQuadro JumperFortmeranianGiant CopterFlying HermitEt A OmnisElement GiantMini-BataDigger BaseScreamerAirborne DenturionMass Production Tail SlugSlug StrikerArms CopterFlying Hermit ACEEarth Monster VaikomWater God
Search & Destroy Gigantnoid
Task Force Rock MoleElder CentipedeRunaway Brain RobotMaster KrakenD-GuAstro SlugMonoeye GateCrusty LegsArmored CrawlerClone Incubator7000 Class LocomotiveFrozen VortexCoil TankJupiter TankGuardian of the CryptKing's CocoonGlidron+Fall Climber -Narutaki-Parasitic Giant Escargot
Ultimate Mission Golden Slug PhoenixPerfect Jupiter KingAvatar of EvilInvader KingCelestial Ruler Rokker
Books Metal Slug Attack Official Artbook
Heroes Main Series Marco RossiTarma RovingEri KasamotoFio GermiTrevor SpaceyNadia CasselRalf JonesClark StillLeona Heidern
Spin-Offs Walter RyanTyra ElsonHeroGimletRed EyeTequila
Mobile Roberto NicolaNathalie NeoAlisa StewartHeltonTildeNikitaMatildaAmirWhipHeidernMerris
Support Hyakutaro IchimonjiRumi AikawaMadoka AikawaUtanNavelSelinaIssenman TarouErisHyakumantaroPupipi
Villains Main Series Donald MordenAllen O'NeilAbul AbbasRootmarsDoctorAvatar of EvilInvader King
Spin-Offs Allen Jr.OgumaMacbaLt. WiredKananHilde GarnPaqar
Mobile Unknown AlienVictorPtolemaiosAnubis the ChainedNanookDalia
Pachinko Sosuke N KagamiharaVasser GutenschiffRita KanikojaSagan and Logan Gail
Instructors Sophia GreenvilleMargaret SouthwoodRiviera von WittenbergMaryell von WittenbergCynthia HartnettAnne
NPC AnnouncerPOWsParkerGrey AlienSachiko SuzukiGerhardt City CiviliansColonel HartChris KeyAlexander SuvorovBabyScott Amundsen Jr.MinerGenie of LampOrcaPresident MarxSurvivorsFishmanFinnSailorChinese Soldier
Crossover KOF TeamBattle Cats
Unused Phil GeneMichiko NakajimaAngry Man • "Achilles" • "Tabomba" • Goddess AncorAbu
Metal Slug: Awakening
Heroes Original LylaEva GlennHaranScarlettGru KangSayaKukikEisernerJoeLilithAmeDong HuanlongIlumFreyjaEskeAuroraMartinaShadowHorae
Crossover VioletKyo KusanagiAlessioSun ShangxiangMarco Polo
NPC AmirEliaCelineVictorAsukaMiaLambertGaddCrowLucasClub ButlerClub ManagerSiruiAceAndreShirleyEve • "Elaine" • BucaraEileenHasanSalemKemut CiviliansHachooDr. DeeEugeniaNesoLauraAjaxTheoUtanHeeroIshtarUtharWizzChadKing HaroldMimirNiordYmirCarolineCharlesOdinEric McCannyOliveMeituan MascotIvan
Villains PharaohTarpuShabtiKatherineSilenceMechanistDr. NeanderSidEchoGalooCaesarenesMisha
Metal Slug Attack
Regular Army Associates MS-AliceAnna WieseMidori SchumannMelloRita LewinskyAmberNikitaReika BradfordLouiseGiseeMS-HeartAshleyRockyGrowlJephetVictoriaClaudiaKanaeHowellPhiElizabeth MarianiUndoCharlotteNayutaro Ichimonji
Metal Device Project PercheAmiMollyMenzelUlalaMaggieAvvioQuaithKaren
KOF Mai ShiranuiTerry BogardKula DiamondK'Athena Asamiya
Rebel Army Associates RapidJuliaChloeIzabellaEddaGrowth & ClineNaomiAleshaJane Doe
ACE AbigailDionRomyKriemhildKatalina
"Frozen Brigade" BeatrizVickyDolores
Blaze Brigade GraziaLorettaNorah
Allen Platoon DestradeHuracanConnyNantesPadwahOlgaVirginia
Science Department VitaNavyNovaEmmaMillefieSylfieFluffyEight Eight
Arabian Army ShizukaAisha
MRAW Extra Raven
Ptolemaic Army Rebellion DragunovYoshinoCarolineVeronicaSisiliaTowaSimonMiharuChunyanOwenShoLucyPhoebeJosetteMizunaMatildaLittle Lady BlackSvetlaHumphreyLithosYutongTatyanaCicaLinhuaValette
Cultists Mira D. GenesisMariaDamianAchettoSallyCaraOao-OneSorceress
Secret Sect Anastasia IVBelieversBeechamMelvinaAnastasia IZahara
Others Reverse TrinityPtolemaios Shadow
Space Army Martians Professor "Aionion"Mars People NeoPercierClone AbbyClone BettyMars People RangersAriadnaGemini TwinsHalleBonnyClarioHarriotCode Marionette:UnPaulineLeoneClarisDracoRaubtierMalkuthMostro
Invaders OdetteAnnetteLydiaNowanSchwarz MetzeleiFedeln MetzeleiRillacleFrankeTelekoBloom MetzeleiOdileBersekGeweih MetzeleiPurple KingBarbelnBiene GoldenesSwordeistDrache GoldenesEis MonstrumAi AgateLiebenGoldenes KriegerPictura
Unaffiliated UnsignedLi Lin
Independent Army Amadeus Syndicate White BabyAlmaOttoIron FortressValerian BearsFirst BabyType:Ant-LionSweet BabyMelk
Red Goblin Society Scotia AmundsenRed GoblinVatnJinIreneElenaLichtIchimaWendyBushin TenzanMaki
Mummy Army PharaohCleopatraHemetArsinoeHatholSharifaRamalSekhatWepset
Vampires AswangAgaliaSharlGrace
Yuki Tsuki Hana KaguraKeisetsuTsukikageOuka
"World Military Corp." KellyMayaMirror Mantis
Mirage Circus CocatrixBunnyFlan
Unaffiliated El DoradoElysionEstherTeresaMinervaYang DaoIdoPhiliaHisui
Metal Slug TetsuyukiHairbuster RibertsTani OhShoe & KarnIron NokanaHi-Do
Mini-Bosses: Mini-BataAllen O'Neil
Metal Slug 2/X The Keesi II / Iron Nokana MK II (X) • Aeshi NeroDragon NosukeBig ShieeHozmiRugname
Mini-Bosses: Mosque ArtilleryThe Keesi II (X) • Karn (X) • Allen O'NeilDai-Manji
Metal Slug 3 Huge HermitMonoeye UFOJupiter KingSol Dae RokkerRootmars
Mini-Bosses: Twin Ohumein-CongaMonoeyesHairbuster RibertsHi-DoRugnameFake RootmarsClone Incubator
Metal Slug 4 Brave GuerrierToschka DalanueThe IronBig JohnSea SatanAmadeus Mother Computer
Mini-Bosses: Mecha Allen
Metal Slug 5 Metal RearShooting RayScreamerSand MarineAvatar of Evil
Mini-Bosses: Black HoundStone Turtle (unused) • Gaia ElephantPtolemaios (unused)
Metal Slug 6 Bull DrillIron SentinelBrain RobotElder CentipedeInvader King
Mini-Bosses: Invader ControllerKing's Cocoon
Metal Slug 7/XX Iron Death WormCrablopsDestroyed CrablopsFall ClimberThe UnionRebel GigantKraken
Mini-Bosses: Scrap TowerBig Gate
Metal Slug: 1st Mission Rebel VTOLRebel TrainMacbaRebel ZeppelinElectromagnetic CraneWeapons Port BossMetal Strider
Mini-Bosses: Facility ElevatorMacbaRebel Truck
Metal Slug: 2nd Mission Big BerthaTerrain CarrierRebel ReactorMacbaRebel SubmarineRebel BlimpTani OhWiredRebel AirplaneMetal StriderRocket UFO
Mini-Bosses: Power GeneratorsRebel RocketHyakutaro
Metal Slug Advance FormorEmain MachaKaladgolgThe Keesi IIICabracan
Mini-Bosses: Allen Jr.
Metal Slug 3D Spider-BotUnderground Cruise MissileMorden's BattleshipMorden's CastleLugusLieu
Mini-Bosses: ParachuetruckMosque ArtilleryAllen O'Neil"Rebel Destroyer Ship"
Metal Slug Attack Pharaoh's ArcPtolemaiosBall SlugGreat MotherMars GigantalosK-O3 Coupled Armored VehicleLand BlowfishCyclobsterSlug SquareZoni DolomaQuadro JumperDenturionD-GuFortmeranianRock MoleGiant CopterEt A OmnisVortexDigger BaseCrusty LegsArmored CrawlerQueen Big Snail7000 Class LocomotiveRiviere HyllMetal Fusioner No.223Drum SlugMars WolfSea DragonTetsujin SquadSand Twister No. 1GigantnoidDark GateKnight TankImpact CannonDive Assault Cannon AndrewOld Blood BeastOmikami
Metal Slug: Awakening SphinxConga Lava DominatorApepMoltar's LegacySteel CongaSherpaKhepriGordosTarpuReshephGold EyePharaohEarthcore DeityCrystal Beast CentipedeCrystal Beast CongaLauraCruiser Titan SubmarineAntaMecha AllenSirenTitanEchoAzagGalooSylrushRefining CauldronReaperCaesarenesHairbuster Riberts - ChargeHallelujahMishaNakyaEric McCanneyDai-ManjiJupiter KingElectro Fluid ConcerianTail Needle
Mini-Bosses: The Keesi IIAllen O'NeilIron NokanaMetal RearHellfire Bat KingShabtiBlack Hound
Joint Operation: VolmesFireflyGenaroKatherineSilenceMechanistSix-Armed Machine
Joint Operation Abyss S1: BeruaMeiruizigeMech Hermit CrabMachine GuardMaat
Joint Operation Abyss S2: Anta (Cursed)Fist Fungus Beast (Cursed)Cruiser Titan Submarine (Cursed)Knight Conga (Cursed)Siren (Cursed)Titan (Cursed)Firefly (Cursed)Cetus (Cursed)
Others: Dr. NeanderRift Crystal BeastCalamity Crystal BeastCalamity SnakeEye of CalamityTreasure Bowl
Flashback Mode: Hairbuster RibertsTetsuyukiMini-BataMosque ArtilleryGreen Ohumein-CongaRed Ohumein-CongaHuge HermitBig ShieeTani OhBig JohnHi-DoBombardier CaptainDragon Nosuke
Mobile Games Rocket Control RoomUnknown AlienHellfireSpiderbotCyclopsMega Laser TurretMars Battle UFOM-32 Water Carrier PlaneKouraiAlien Floating Structure
Irem's D.A.S. Universe Chi Un-D