Metal Slug Wiki

Leona Leonamobile1

An immigrant from the King of Fighters series, Leona Heidern has been a playable character in multiple Metal Slug titles since Metal Slug Survivors and Soldiers. She appeared as a DLC character in Metal Slug XX, and then later again as a unit in both Metal Slug Defense and Metal Slug Attack.

Character Summary[]

As an infant, Leona lost her parents in a tragic incident. She became the adopted daughter of Heidern, who included her inside the Ikari Warriors among the Soldiers of Fortune Ralf and Clark, and subsequently oversaw her rigorous military upbringing (sometime before Whip was included in his squad).

Leona has light blue hair in a ponytail and has blue eyes. She wears an army green military jacket that is cut short, exposing her midriff. She also wears matching shorts held by a belt, knee pads, socks, and army boots to go with her outfit.

When her Orochi blood goes haywire, Leona's hair turns red, her eyes have no pupils or irises, and her skin turns pale due to lack of blood.

This taciturn and aloof young woman has found everyday socialization difficult, yet she is a consummate soldier with a committed following amongst her subordinates. In combat, she accomplishes her missions in an efficient manner many describe as “sublime”, annihilating the enemy primarily with a hand dagger bequeathed by her foster father. She is also acquainted with the SPARROWS agent Fio Germi and apparently undertook a mission alongside her and Clark, binding this threesome in a tight bond of camaraderie.

The majority of her minimal off-time each year is spent in the unusual pursuit of “factory touring”, which is rumored to serve as an unusual restorative to her vigor and energy. In the fighting tournaments that she has participated in to fulfill her missions, she is often observed to display an unimaginable fearsomeness whose source and details remain maddeningly obscure...


In Metal Slug XX, Leona is an above-average character, presumably due to her downloadable character status.

Her specific abilities consist of the following:

  • She can perform a special melee attack called the Moon Slasher at any time while standing on the ground (by holding the left shoulder + fire + up), dealing about twice as much damage as a grenade (but without requiring any ammo or suffering any cool downs). This technique furthermore erases nearby enemy attacks, but points are not added whilst performing it.
  • Increased damage resistance while inside Slugs (can take four hits before getting destroyed, instead of the usual three).
  • Gains +20% ammo from weapons drops.
  • Gains +20% grenades (12 instead of 10 from the start).
  • When she loses a life, she keeps the weapons she was carrying; she does lose them after using a continue, however.

Other Appearances[]

Metal Slug Defense[]

Originally a cameo in the game's POW list, Leona later becomes a purchasable unit alongside Ralf and Clark in a later update. A melee battler, her close and long range attacks is a simple stab, and her special is her exclusive Moon Slasher that is able to destroy enemy projectiles. Unlike her Ikari pals, Leona instantly dies when a Metal Slug Attack runs over her unless she activates her special at the precise moment.

Metal Slug Attack[]


Leona reappears as a pre-acquisition unit, now available in the POW Shop. She's a purely close-range unit with low health. Compared to her MSD counterpart, Leona can take and give more damage, can counter attacks that would've knocked her back, and her special adds an evading dash prior to the usual attack-cancelling Moon Slash. Leona is also given new variants:

  • Cat Ears Leona: Leona in a skimpy cat costume; she trades HP for stronger attacks.
  • Orochi Leona: Leona gone berserk; her Moon Slasher is her close range and an explosive V-Slasher is her special attack.
  • Leona ver. Heroines: Leona wearing her military outfit from SNK Heronies: Tag Team Frenzy. She fights like her Orochi counterpart but with evasion and a stronger special.
  • "Silent Soldier" Leona: Leona wearing her matching outfit from The King of Fighters XIV. She is somehow similar to her Heroines variant in terms of combat but more powerful.
  • "Steel Bodyguard" Leona: Leona wearing her a similar outfit from The King of Fighters '96. Functions similarly to her Silent Soldier variant but more powerful.


She first appears in the Extra Ops "Zombie Parade", where she dresses up in a cat costume in order to infiltrate a zombie group being controlled by a Big John. She follows two zombie scientists, which take her to Big John, where she destroys it.

She later appears in the Extra Ops "Blood Runaway", where she is talking with Heidern. When he becomes grievously wounded by a grenade, she believes he has been killed, and her ensuing grief causes her Orochi blood to activate, destroying everything in her path. She returns to normal upon hearing from Ralf that he is still alive, and leaves to get the medical team.

Leona later finds herself in another world with Kelly where they encounter apparitions of Marco and Eri. The apparitions become hostile, which Leona simply takes as an exercise, much to Kelly's surprise. After defeating the pair, they decide to explore further but an unknown entity puts them to sleep, dragging them into the world of Heroines.

Leona eventually returns to her own world and works with Victoria in rescuing stranded Regular Army personnel on an island full of zombies.

Alongside Ralf, Leona accompanies Rumi Aikawa as part of a training exercise. Rumi's clumsiness ends up leading them into the Rebel Army led by Abigail in which they discover the Rebel Army were transporting children, but to protect them from heavy snowfall. She and Ralf play alongside the children in a snowball fight, forgetting about their original objective.


  • Leona originally appeared in the King of Fighters series. In every team-based game she has participated in so far she partners with Ralf and Clark.
  • She is currently the only playable character in a Metal Slug game to appear as "downloadable content" (purchased at $0.99). In the PlayStation 4 and Steam versions of Metal Slug XX, Leona is available right from the start.
  • By holding the Up + Special buttons and either spamming both or quickly alternating the fire and grenade buttons, Leona can perform her Moon Slasher multiple times without waiting for her animation to end.
  • In the PSP, PlayStation 4, and Steam versions of Metal Slug XX, Leona's death scream is based from the early King of Fighters games (which are later used in Metal Slug Defense and Metal Slug Attack). Leona uses a different voice in the Xbox 360 and Xbox One versions.
  • If performed correctly, her Moon Slasher can cut through most enemy attacks - cancelling them no matter how powerful. The same holds true in Metal Slug XX, Metal Slug Defense, and Metal Slug Attack.
  • Unlike other characters, Leona's hair does not retain its color if she's burned - rather, her whole body is charred.
  • The Cat-Ears Leona from Metal Slug Attack is an available costume in SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy.



  • Leona's death sound in Metal Slug XX (Xbox 360/Xbox One)

Heroes Main Series Marco RossiTarma RovingEri KasamotoFio GermiTrevor SpaceyNadia CasselRalf JonesClark StillLeona Heidern
Spin-Offs Walter RyanTyra ElsonHeroGimletRed EyeTequila
Mobile Roberto NicolaNathalie NeoAlisa StewartHeltonTildeNikitaMatildaAmirWhipHeidernMerris
Support Hyakutaro IchimonjiRumi AikawaMadoka AikawaUtanNavelSelinaIssenman TarouErisHyakumantaroPupipi
Villains Main Series Donald MordenAllen O'NeilAbul AbbasRootmarsDoctorAvatar of EvilInvader King
Spin-Offs Allen Jr.OgumaMacbaLt. WiredKananHilde GarnPaqar
Mobile Unknown AlienVictorPtolemaiosAnubis the ChainedNanookDalia
Pachinko Sosuke N KagamiharaVasser GutenschiffRita KanikojaSagan and Logan Gail
Instructors Sophia GreenvilleMargaret SouthwoodRiviera von WittenbergMaryell von WittenbergCynthia HartnettAnne
NPC AnnouncerPOWsParkerGrey AlienSachiko SuzukiGerhardt City CiviliansColonel HartChris KeyAlexander SuvorovBabyScott Amundsen Jr.MinerGenie of LampOrcaPresident MarxSurvivorsFishmanFinnSailorChinese Soldier
Crossover KOF TeamBattle Cats
Unused Phil GeneMichiko NakajimaAngry Man • "Achilles" • "Tabomba" • Goddess AncorAbu
Metal Slug: Awakening
Heroes Original LylaEva GlennHaranScarlettGru KangSayaKukikEisernerJoeLilithAmeDong HuanlongIlumFreyjaEskeAuroraMartinaShadowHorae
Crossover VioletKyo KusanagiAlessioSun ShangxiangMarco Polo
NPC AmirEliaCelineVictorAsukaMiaLambertGaddCrowLucasClub ButlerClub ManagerSiruiAceAndreShirleyEve • "Elaine" • BucaraEileenHasanSalemKemut CiviliansHachooDr. DeeEugeniaNesoLauraAjaxTheoUtanHeeroIshtarUtharWizzChadKing HaroldMimirNiordYmirCarolineCharlesOdinEric McCannyOliveMeituan MascotIvan
Villains PharaohTarpuShabtiKatherineSilenceMechanistDr. NeanderSidEchoGalooCaesarenesMisha
Metal Slug Attack
Regular Army Associates MS-AliceAnna WieseMidori SchumannMelloRita LewinskyAmberNikitaReika BradfordLouiseGiseeMS-HeartAshleyRockyGrowlJephetVictoriaClaudiaKanaeHowellPhiElizabeth MarianiUndoCharlotteNayutaro Ichimonji
Metal Device Project PercheAmiMollyMenzelUlalaMaggieAvvioQuaithKaren
KOF Mai ShiranuiTerry BogardKula DiamondK'Athena Asamiya
Rebel Army Associates RapidJuliaChloeIzabellaEddaGrowth & ClineNaomiAleshaJane Doe
ACE AbigailDionRomyKriemhildKatalina
"Frozen Brigade" BeatrizVickyDolores
Blaze Brigade GraziaLorettaNorah
Allen Platoon DestradeHuracanConnyNantesPadwahOlgaVirginia
Science Department VitaNavyNovaEmmaMillefieSylfieFluffyEight Eight
Arabian Army ShizukaAisha
MRAW Extra Raven
Ptolemaic Army Rebellion DragunovYoshinoCarolineVeronicaSisiliaTowaSimonMiharuChunyanOwenShoLucyPhoebeJosetteMizunaMatildaLittle Lady BlackSvetlaHumphreyLithosYutongTatyanaCicaLinhuaValette
Cultists Mira D. GenesisMariaDamianAchettoSallyCaraOao-OneSorceress
Secret Sect Anastasia IVBelieversBeechamMelvinaAnastasia IZahara
Others Reverse TrinityPtolemaios Shadow
Space Army Martians Professor "Aionion"Mars People NeoPercierClone AbbyClone BettyMars People RangersAriadnaGemini TwinsHalleBonnyClarioHarriotCode Marionette:UnPaulineLeoneClarisDracoRaubtierMalkuthMostro
Invaders OdetteAnnetteLydiaNowanSchwarz MetzeleiFedeln MetzeleiRillacleFrankeTelekoBloom MetzeleiOdileBersekGeweih MetzeleiPurple KingBarbelnBiene GoldenesSwordeistDrache GoldenesEis MonstrumAi AgateLiebenGoldenes KriegerPictura
Unaffiliated UnsignedLi Lin
Independent Army Amadeus Syndicate White BabyAlmaOttoIron FortressValerian BearsFirst BabyType:Ant-LionSweet BabyMelk
Red Goblin Society Scotia AmundsenRed GoblinVatnJinIreneElenaLichtIchimaWendyBushin TenzanMaki
Mummy Army PharaohCleopatraHemetArsinoeHatholSharifaRamalSekhatWepset
Vampires AswangAgaliaSharlGrace
Yuki Tsuki Hana KaguraKeisetsuTsukikageOuka
"World Military Corp." KellyMayaMirror Mantis
Mirage Circus CocatrixBunnyFlan
Unaffiliated El DoradoElysionEstherTeresaMinervaYang DaoIdoPhiliaHisui
Metal Slug: Awakening
Heroes Mainline Marco RossiTarma RovingEri KasamotoFio GermiTrevor SpaceyNadia CasselLeona Heidern
Newcomers LylaEva GlennHaranScarlettGru KangSayaKukikEisernerJoeLilithAmeDong HuanlongIlumFreyjaEskeAuroraMartinaShadowHorae • "Ming Huang" • "Chi Lian"
Crossover Arena of Valor: Violet
The King of Fighters: Kyo KusanagiMai Shiranui
Honor of Kings: AlessioSun ShangxiangMarco Polo
NPC Andrew Town VictorAsukaMiaLambertGaddCrowLucasClub ButlerClub ManagerRift GuideAndreEveShirley • "Elaine" • EileenSalemAceEugeniaUtan
World Adventure AmirEliaCelineHasanNeferHachooDr. DeeLauraNesoAjaxTheoHeeroIshtarUtharChadKing HaroldWizzEric McCannyNiordMimirYmirCarolineOdinIvan
Returning Rumi AikawaMadoka AikawaHyakutaro IchimonjiParkerPresident MarxDjinnSachiko SuzukiRita Kanikoja
Other BucaraCharlesOliveMeituan Mascot
Villains Donald MordenAllen O'NeilAbul AbbasPharaohShabtiTarpuSidKatherineSilenceMechanistDr. NeanderEchoGalooCaesarenesMisha
Factions Regular ArmyRebel ArmyArabian InfantryFar East DivisionPtolemaic ArmyMummy ArmyCavemenKemut Posse • "Atlan Army" • DolphinsArmerian ArmyMad SerpentsIce Pole AllianceMechanian AllianceConcerians
Locations Andrew TownKemutAtlanArmerVitins ContinentSolar System
Modes World AdventureTreasure DigArcade CarnivalHot PursuitJoint OperationUltimate ArenaThe MazePrime ShowdownDjinn RangeClubFrenzy ShowdownShootout ChallengeAbyssal RiftExtreme ChampionshipsEndless TrialAbyssal CruisePhantasmic Geocenter
Mini-Games and Event Modes Red stop, green goMecha ClashUnderwater CombatSubmarine HuntJoyful Treasure BasinSuper Weapon Battlefield
Other List of Metal Slug: Awakening CoresSkins
Enemies and Bosses
Humans Regular Rebel InfantryArabian InfantryWell DiverMyopic ResearcherLava SpecialistVanguard BurrowerDriller EngineerSpecial ForcesFar East SoldierBonesaw DoctorWhitebeak GunnerMutated Morden Army
Elite Super SoldierBayonet SoldierArrogant ScientistMachine Gun Squad CaptainBombardier CaptainCamel CavalryDemolition EngineerSkyfire GuardFlame Throwing ManSuper Alloy NinjaSkycourt GuardBluefeather WarriorCloud-Piercing ArcherVulture CavalryLevitating Knight
Boss TarpuKatherineAllen O'NeilLauraCaesarenes
Mecha Regular Di-CokkaGirida-OMV-280BMH-6S P.M.Flying TaraSurveillance CameraPatrol DroneMouse Auto DrillAirshipClaw UnitHover VehicleWall DroneSteel Conga Jr.New Godokin City CarsBradley Ver.P.MMini-UFOGreen Light UFOBouncing MechaCat-Eared RobertCat-Shape Drone
Elite LV ArmorM-15AT-2B Melty HoneyMH-6SMagnetic TankArmed ArmadilloStamping DrillerHeavy Metal MechaQuad-pedal Mobile CannonAuto Mech ArtilleryCyclone WheelsRunaway TrainSilver LionMorden BusNop-03 SarubiaHMG UnitR-ShobuMech WarriorFlying Mech OrbIron IsoT-2B Melty Honey - AirWarning WarriorSarubia Mobile CannonM-15A IIIIce Fang BullyBlizzard WolfIce Spike WhaleEsibar
Boss Steel CongaParachuetruckBlack HoundGenaroBig JohnCannon Hermit CrabVolmesSilenceFireflyThe Keesi IIMetal RearDragon NosukeTani OhTetsuyukiMissile ArtilleryMini-BataIron NokanaBig ShieeHairbuster RibertsMechanistSix-Armed MachineMech Hermit CrabMachine GuardAntaSubmarineSirenTitanCetusAzagCauldronReaperHairbuster Riberts - ChargeHallelujahMishaNakyaEric McCannyTawanJupiter King
Monsters Regular Fiery LizardFlying KillerChowmein-CongaWall BugMan EaterHell BatSasquatchFurious Red BeeHell WormFluorescent WormMartyr SlugBig-Bellied SpiderOverweight BeetleLava CrabMein-CongaMonkey SoldierFungus FragrantiaPatrol EchinusAtlan WarriorFishfolk GunnerArgonaut SailorSea God GuardBluefin SwordsmanAmmonite SquidTurtle TurretTitan ArumSilverwing AssassinFrost CongaFrost WormFrost LizardMartian
Elite Bat KingMutated MothAnnoying MosquitoNinja MantisGiant CaterpillarBaby CentipedePoison Bomb FlowerMutated AntDesert ScorpionLava TurtleMonkey OfficerFist Fungus BeastKnight CongaHexapod EnforcerVolt SoldierFighter CongaArmer EagleFrost BatMartian WalkerSpit FrogIce Fang BeastCrimson-Eyed Bat
Boss CongaHellfire Bat KingOhumein-CongaSherpaApepMoltar's LegacyKhepriGordosCentipide ElderCrystal Beast CongaCrystal Beast KhepriElectro FluidTail Needle
Mythics Regular Dummy MummyHunged MummyDog MummyMini DjinnSkycourt OverseerSkycourt Cleaner
Elite Falconman StatueCave WarriorCave ShamanSerpent PriestBlack Jackal JarBlack Cat TrapSerpentman GuardBug Master MummyFalconmanExecutioner MummySteel JackalJackal WarriorMummy ArcherSkycourt ClawSkycourt Wing
Boss PharaohSphinxGold EyeReshephShabtiEarthcore DeityBeruaMeiruizigeMaatEchoGalooSylrush
Uncategorized Regular MoleBomb KidCounter Disc
Boss Dr. NeanderMartian Helicarrier
Slugs SV-001SV-CamelMobile ExpressDrill SlugSonic AlpacaHeavy MechaPowerball DriveTowering RenoCrimson WarbladeShatter ShipSlug FlyerSlug Mariner
Mechs WizzHall
Special Weapons Heavy Machine GunRocket LauncherShotgunFlame ShotLaser GunIron LizardBlizzard
Weapon Classes HMGGatlingFlame ShotBazookaHeavy Sniper RifleFreeze GunCombo ShotgunBoxing GunSaw LauncherBowLaser GunFission GunChainblade RifleGrenade LauncherPlasma CannonVortex Forcefield CannonDual-Wielding SMG
Powerups Ice BombDroneTurretsTransformations