The CEO of a wealthy business, President Marx is a rare POW appearing several times in the Metal Slug series. He takes the appearance of a middle-age, bespectacled man with light blond hair in a business suit.
When the player unties Marx (he is typically harder to reach than normal POWs), he says "Hi!" and stands around waiting. Once he's tagged, he calls his two bodyguards Mike and Boris to give the player an item from each of their briefcases. The bodyguards take several seconds to arrive, but they give more valuable items than other POWs - including rare weapons. Marx also provides a higher score bonus than regular POWs (50,000 points) if the player manages to rescue him and stay alive until the end of the mission.
After the President's bodyguards give out the items, the three of them leave, although sometimes the bodyguards accidentally leave without him, returning several seconds later to retrieve him.
In Metal Slug Attack, Marx appears in POW Rescue as the last POW to be released/saved and rewards the player with high tier items. Unlike previous games, he stays silent when rescued.
Marx and his bodyguards return in Metal Slug: Awakening. Marx reprises his role as a POW in certain levels, and all three show up together in Andrew Town.
- In the Recaptured Prisoners list at the end of the level, the President Marx's "rank" is listed as "CEO" (or "VIP" in the Japanese version).
- Unused graphics has Marx running away from the scene like every other POW instead of calling his bodyguards, occasionally pushing up his glasses.
- Marx and his bodyguards were originally unnamed until their appearance in Metal Slug: Awakening.