Metal Slug Wiki

The Metal Slug Attack Official Artbook is an artbook published by AppliStyle for the 2016 mobile game Metal Slug Attack. The book contains artworks, illustration, and sprite sheets of the game's many units and characters as well as interviews with the game developers.

A limited-time only appendix can be obtained in each orders:

  • Postcard (500 orders)
  • Clear file (1000 orders)
  • Poster (1500 orders)

Reservations for the Artbook will end at September 15, 2020 (23:59 JST).[2]


  • The artbook was initially planned to be released on August 31, 2020 however, due to the production delay caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the release date was moved to October 16, 2020.[3]


External Links[]


Metal Slug Attack
Main Characters Marco RossiEri KasamotoTarma RovingFio GermiDonald MordenAllen O'NeilAbigailPtolemaiosDragunovYoshinoProfessorRed Goblin
Factions Regular ArmyRebel ArmyPtolemaic Army • Space Army (MartiansInvaders) • Independent (Amadeus SyndicateMummy Army)
Sub-Groups Metal Device ProjectBlaze BrigadeFrozen BrigadeACEMutantsBelieversMars People RangersMetzeleisVampiresYuki Tsuki HanaMirage CircusRed Goblin SocietyValerian BearsWorld Military Corp.
Other List of Metal Slug Attack Characters
Enemy Vehicles and Slugs
Regular Army Slug AttackerSlug DefenderSlug RisingTS-001Ball SlugGiant CopterSlug SquareTiger SlugCoil TankTail SlugAshley's Slug FlyerPatrol SlugPhi's 3D PrinterSlug Sniper
Rebel Army Iwa OhJulia's MV-280NaglfarDenturionAlesha's BikeArmed TiltrotorVicky's SarubiaDolores' SarubiaNantes' TankEmma's Recycle BoxLoretta's Blaze VortexMarineskFight CabFluffymeranianEight Eight
Ptolemaic Army D-001 TanbalTowa's MechGIP-03 BergeniaSnordonGlidronHumphrey's HoverboardHammer DX5005Sisilia's Seaside Machine
Space Army Mars GigantalosMars SweeperPurple KingLeone's ShoePauline's Mech
Independent Army El Dorado's Slug ArmorMinerva's OstrichMaya's ExcavatorKagura's Samurai MechConstruction Golem
Mechanized/AI/Unmanned MS-AliceMS-HeartWadeWhite BabyFirst BabyIron FortressMachynaType:Ant-LionPhi
Extra Ops PtolemaiosSky Jupiter KingDoctor Type: AISea Dragon
Recapture Mega Drill SlugQueen Big SnailRiviere HyllGaia ElephantMetal Fusioner No.223Drum SlugMars WolfTetsujin SquadDark GateAccelerator CannonLife Reaper
Try Line Ball SlugGreat MotherK-O3 Coupled Armored VehicleLand BlowfishCyclobsterSlug SquareZoni DolomaQuadro JumperFortmeranianGiant CopterFlying HermitEt A OmnisElement GiantMini-BataDigger BaseScreamerAirborne DenturionMass Production Tail SlugSlug StrikerArms CopterFlying Hermit ACEEarth Monster VaikomWater God
Search & Destroy Gigantnoid
Task Force Rock MoleElder CentipedeRunaway Brain RobotMaster KrakenD-GuAstro SlugMonoeye GateCrusty LegsArmored CrawlerClone Incubator7000 Class LocomotiveFrozen VortexCoil TankJupiter TankGuardian of the CryptKing's CocoonGlidron+Fall Climber -Narutaki-Parasitic Giant Escargot
Ultimate Mission Golden Slug PhoenixPerfect Jupiter KingAvatar of EvilInvader KingCelestial Ruler Rokker
Books Metal Slug Attack Official Artbook
Metal Slug Series
Main Series Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001Metal Slug 2 (Metal Slug X) • Metal Slug 3Metal Slug 4Metal Slug 5Metal Slug 6Metal Slug 7 (Metal Slug XX)
Spin-Offs Metal Slug: 1st MissionMetal Slug: 2nd MissionMetal Slug AdvanceMetal Slug 3DMetal Slug: AwakeningMetal Slug Tactics
Real-Time Strategy Metal Slug DefenseMetal Slug Attack (Metal Slug Attack Reloaded) • Metal Slug InfinityMetal Slug: Commander
Mobile Metal Slug MobileMetal Slug Mobile ImpactMetal Slug: Allen's Battle Chronicles (Mobile 3) • Metal Slug Survivors (UMS: LandingMobile 4) • Metal Slug Soldiers (UMS: ConspiracyMetal Slug Survival) • Metal Slug Fighters (UMS: Fierce Battle) • Metal Slug Warriors (UMS: Triumph) • Metal Slug STGMetal Slug Mars Panic!Metal Slug TacticsMetal Slug M1Metal Slug M2Metal Slug 2013Metal Slug Team MissionMetal Slug TouchMetal Slug RevolutionMetal Slug WarsMetal Slug XX Online
Pachinkos Metal Slug Type-AMetal Slug SV-001Metal Slug 3
Compilations Metal Slug 4&5Metal Slug AnthologyMetal Slug Complete PCArcade ArchivesNeo Geo Pocket Color Selection
Cancelled Metal Slug GBA PortMetal Slug Zero Online
Cameos and Crossovers
SNK The King of Fighters '99SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the MillenniumThe King of Fighters 2000SNK vs. Capcom: SVC ChaosNeo-Geo Battle ColiseumThe King of Fighters: Maximum Impact 2SNK Vs. Capcom: Card Fighters ClashSNK Vs. Capcom: Card Fighters DSDays of Memories 2Neo Geo Heroes: Ultimate Shooting!RPG! Sister QuestThe King of Fighters XV
Others Battle CatsJetpack JoyrideSuper Smash Bros. Ultimate
Related Titles
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Irem's D.A.S. Universe Air DuelUndercover CopsIn the HuntGunforce II
Others Neo Turf MastersBlack Finger Jet
Books Metal Slug: The Ultimate HistoryMetal Slug Attack Official Artbook
Collectibles Beast KingdomTunshi StudioXinshi HobbyDegenerator IndustryCrafts Studios
OSTs Metal Slug 2 Original SoundtrackMetal Slug 3 Original SoundtrackMetal Slug 5 Original SoundtrackMetal Slug Complete Sound BoxMetal Slug 7 ~iTunes Limited Edition~