Metal Slug Wiki

Metal Slug Attack Reloaded is a tower defense game created by SNK for Steam, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4/5 and Xbox Series X/S platforms. It was both announced and released on June 18, 2024. It is a revamped, offline version of Metal Slug Attack, a mobile game which had gone defunct on January 12, 2023.

Unlike its predecessors, where the game could be installed for free, Metal Slug Attack Reloaded requires a one-time payment of $9.99 USD in order to play, along with an eligible account on the platform it is bought on.


Metal Slug Attack Reloaded shares the same gameplay as Metal Slug Attack and its predecessor, Metal Slug Defense. The player must assemble up to ten units against the opposing team. The player will lose if the opposing team's units managed to destroy their base. Players can upgrade their units by levelling up and bolstering them with items to unlock skills.

Unlike the original game, Metal Slug Attack Reloaded can be purchased for $9.99 (prices may vary from region) and lacks microtransaction.

Main Menu[]

Game Modes[]

Differences from Metal Slug Attack[]

Although nearly the same as Metal Slug Attack, Metal Slug Attack Reloaded has significant changes of its own:


  • The Sortie system is no longer used. Sorties in Metal Slug Attack were used in order to participate in various game modes, such as Mission and Extra Ops. The amount of sorties the player had would likewise determine how much progress they could make with units acquired through said modes. Sorties would replenish at a rate 1 every 3 minutes, and the player could acquire more outside of this time by completing set amounts of Missions, giving Guild Members a "Good Job!" of varying levels, levelling up. Treasure Hunt, or buying them with real money. Thus, players can attempt stages for as long as they want.
  • Microtransactions, outside of the one-time payment, do not currently exist in-game. Medals, the game's premium currency, are a bit easier to obtain, and are now used to obtain new units via the Call to Arms gacha system, which replaces the Mystery Crank gacha system from the original game.
  • Many units had their stats, costs, rarity, and utility repurposed; making them more balanced overall.
  • Not all original characters from the original mobile game are present in this game. Currently, around 320 of the 1300+ units released from the original game's lifetime are available, including the collab characters Terry Bogard, Mai Shiranui, K', Kula Diamond and Athena Asamiya. Units that were missing from the original mobile version will be added in later updates.
    • The unit, Mostro, is exclusive to this version.
  • The difficulty of stages are significantly increased, with stages also containing enemies that were not present in the original's level. The enemy AI can also make use of Supports (Metal Slug Attack, Reload and Recovery) along with Supporters.
  • Rare Boss system (from the Rare Boss Extra Ops) makes a in the World map, with a 2% chance of spawning after clearing a previously cleared stage. Defeating it yields varying amount of medals and items.
  • Special one-time rewards are given, including icons that were previously considered a "premium" from the original.
  • The game features a few of its original soundtracks.


  • The Mystery Crank gacha system in the original mobile game is replaced by the Call to Arms gacha system, which is separated into three categories, each of which has its own unit pool and medal cost. After the player has obtained enough parts to unlock the unit's platinum frame, it is removed from the reward pool to prevent duplicates. This did not exist in the original game.
  • Each Calls to Arm gacha subsequently requires the player to complete a specific stage before it can be unlocked.


  • The Extra Ops modes do not exist.
  • P.O.W Rescue does not exist, thus players must solely acquire items from the World Map.
  • Guilds do not exist in-game, and neither does a friend system.
  • Players cannot play with other players on different platforms, thus cross-play is impossible.
  • The Laboratory, a mode used to test out units and decks, is not present.


  • Players must use keybinds in order to input commands. The Steam version does allow mouse input.


Metal Slug Series
Main Series Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001Metal Slug 2 (Metal Slug X) • Metal Slug 3Metal Slug 4Metal Slug 5Metal Slug 6Metal Slug 7 (Metal Slug XX)
Spin-Offs Metal Slug: 1st MissionMetal Slug: 2nd MissionMetal Slug AdvanceMetal Slug 3DMetal Slug: AwakeningMetal Slug Tactics
Real-Time Strategy Metal Slug DefenseMetal Slug Attack (Metal Slug Attack Reloaded) • Metal Slug InfinityMetal Slug: Commander
Mobile Metal Slug MobileMetal Slug Mobile ImpactMetal Slug: Allen's Battle Chronicles (Mobile 3) • Metal Slug Survivors (UMS: LandingMobile 4) • Metal Slug Soldiers (UMS: ConspiracyMetal Slug Survival) • Metal Slug Fighters (UMS: Fierce Battle) • Metal Slug Warriors (UMS: Triumph) • Metal Slug STGMetal Slug Mars Panic!Metal Slug TacticsMetal Slug M1Metal Slug M2Metal Slug 2013Metal Slug Team MissionMetal Slug TouchMetal Slug RevolutionMetal Slug WarsMetal Slug XX Online
Pachinkos Metal Slug Type-AMetal Slug SV-001Metal Slug 3
Compilations Metal Slug 4&5Metal Slug AnthologyMetal Slug Complete PCArcade ArchivesNeo Geo Pocket Color Selection
Cancelled Metal Slug GBA PortMetal Slug Zero Online
Cameos and Crossovers
SNK The King of Fighters '99SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the MillenniumThe King of Fighters 2000SNK vs. Capcom: SVC ChaosNeo-Geo Battle ColiseumThe King of Fighters: Maximum Impact 2SNK Vs. Capcom: Card Fighters ClashSNK Vs. Capcom: Card Fighters DSDays of Memories 2Neo Geo Heroes: Ultimate Shooting!RPG! Sister QuestThe King of Fighters XV
Others Battle CatsJetpack JoyrideSuper Smash Bros. Ultimate
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Books Metal Slug: The Ultimate HistoryMetal Slug Attack Official Artbook
Collectibles Beast KingdomTunshi StudioXinshi HobbyDegenerator IndustryCrafts Studios
OSTs Metal Slug 2 Original SoundtrackMetal Slug 3 Original SoundtrackMetal Slug 5 Original SoundtrackMetal Slug Complete Sound BoxMetal Slug 7 ~iTunes Limited Edition~