Metal Slug Wiki

Mini-UFOs are the main attack aircraft of the Mars People.


Mini-UFOs are highly mobile aircraft that fly from the sky and catch the player by surprise. While their weapons are slow-moving lasers, many appear in groups to make up for it. The Rugname can deploy extra-durable mini-UFOs in large numbers.

In Other Games[]

Metal Slug 3[]

During the final battle against Rootmars, whichever player character was captured earlier in the mission will pilot a Mini-UFO and aid the player by firing lasers at Rootmars' brain.

Metal Slug 6[]

In the second half of the final mission, the player will come across captive Mars People who aid them by dropping off power ups and items from their Mini-UFOs. One of the Mars People, Pupipi, assists the player in their ship and help destroy enemies in that area once freed. However, they will leave after firing twenty times or if the player is killed.

Metal Slug 7/XX[]

The Mini-UFO makes a cameo appearance in the credits. However, it also appears in Metal Slug XX in Mission 5 as normal enemies of a secret route.

Metal Slug Mars Panic![]

A Mars People piloting a Mini-UFO is the protagonist. They fight the Rebel Army by destroying their arsenal and abducting Rebels.


Mini-UFO: The original.
Mini - U.F.O (mejorado)
Black Mini-UFO: More powerful and resistant than the grey Mini-UFO.
Golden Mini-UFO


Infantries Regular InfantryRebel InfantryArabian InfantryJaponese InfantryPiratesScientistsAmadeus InfantryPtolemaic InfantryNativesHuntersFuture RebelsBelieversDesert RebelsTuatha De DanannCavemen
Soldiers FanaticsGrenade SoldierBazooka SoldierShielded SoldierBikersRiflemanMinelayer SoldierMortarGatling SoldierRocket DiverMarine DiverCannon DiverHazmat SoldierAirborne SoldierIce Hell SoldierPretty Morden DoubleGuerrillaSpecial ForcesCommanderMasked SoldierHarpoon DiverPowered Rebel SoldierLava SpecialistDemolition EngineerDriller EngineerBayonet SoldierArrogant ScientistBombardier CaptainFlame-Throwing ManSkyfire GuardVanguard BurrowerFar East SoldierBonesaw DoctorSuper Alloy NinjaWhitebeak GunnerBluefeather WarriorCloud-Piercing ArcherVulture Cavalry
Undead Mummies (Mummy Generator) • Dog MummyMutated SoldiersZombiesTar ManClonesRelentless Zombie ArmyMummy CatMummy WarriorBonenoidZombie WarriorMummy ArcherExecutioner MummyBlack Jackal JarDeath GuardBug Master MummySerpentman GuardSerpent PriestJackal WarriorFalconman
Robotic Sensor MineSupervisory CameraPatrol RobotMorden RobotAmadeus RobotWall DroneUnitsMole MissileLaser DronePodsRebel WalkerValerian BearsConstruction GolemStone GolemDrone CameraSpider DroidBomb KidCounter DiscQuad-pedal Mobile CannonMech DroneCyclone WheelsMech WarriorEyeball MineUnderwater Spike TrapSkycourt OverseerSkycourt ClawSkycourt WingSkycourt CleanerT-2B Melty Honey - AirWarning WarriorM-15A IIISarubia Mobile CannonIce Fang BullyBlizzard WolfIce Spike WhaleEsibarCat-Eared RobertCat-Shape Drone
Mutants Chowmein-CongaOhumein-CongaEnormous MorayJellyfishFlying KillerMan EaterHuge LocustSasquatchMaggotBig SnailGiant CaterpillarSquidHuge IvyAssaultpengFlame HoundSuper SoldierSteel Conga Jr.Armed ArmadilloLava CrabWormWall BugFiery LizardBat KingNinja MantisLava TurtleMutated AntPoison Bomb FlowerMutated MothMartyr SlugAnnoying MosquitoBig-Bellied SpiderDesert ScorpionMein-CongaOverweight BeetleBaby CentipedeMonkey SoldierMonkey OfficerFungus FragrantiaFist Fungus BeastTurtle TurretTitan ArumSnapping PlantMutated Morden Army
Alien Mars PeopleMonoeyeRing Laser MechaHopper MechaMars MechaTiny UFOMars SatelliteMini-UFOTripodMars People RangersInvader InfantryWinged InvaderFlying ParasiteHunter WalkerGiant Hunter WalkerSpace Mole CricketCrab-TankVanguardSmasherInvader UFOFlying SheltFlying CoreSpit FrogIce Fang BeastCrimson-Eyed Bat
Aquatic Black Magic Curse DemonPatrol EchinusArgonaut SailorBluefin SwordsmanFishfolk GunnerHexapod EnforcerAtlan WarriorVolt SoldierSea God GuardKnight CongaFighter CongaAmmonite SquidPuffer Boxing ChampionMegalodon Vanguard
Animals WatchdogBatChariotBeesOctopusMountain BearCrowMoleSilverwing AssassinArmer Eagle
Mythical Sand SpiritMini Djinn