Metal Slug Wiki

The Monoeyes (モノアイ Monoai) are the second mission mid-bosses in Metal Slug 3.


The Monoeyes are a 15-meter tall, humanoid aliens and the enigmatic guardians of the Monoeye UFO. They are named for the large eye that seems to be their sole facial feature. They attack at anyone who dares to get too close to the UFO.

Much like the Martians, Monoeye abilities appear to be mental in nature. In the Monoeyes' case, they appear to posses teleportation, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, and psychological communication.

It is unknown if the Monoeyes have any affiliation to the Martians. It is assumed that they are from a completely different planet, and it could be possible they are allied or enemies with the Martians acting separately with their own ulterior motives which are unknown.[1]

Monoeyes possess vast knowledge, and offer it to those who they deem worthy.

Boss Synopsis[]

Found at the end of Mission 2, the searchlights on the site will burst, and then six Monoeyes materialize around the meteorite. They will then levitate around it while firing light sphere aimed at the player, in fixed intervals, depending on the speed that they are rotating.

The Monoeyes are weak to the zombie player's Vomit Laser. With good positioning, this will finish them off in two lasers.

Once all Monoeyes retreat, the Monoeye UFO bursts out from the meteorite and starts to attack.


Monoeye Idle OriginalMonoeye Idle Original Light Monoeye: The original.
Dark Monoeye MSA idle Dark Monoeye: A bluish-purple subspecies of Monoeyes found only in Metal Slug Attack. It summons Monoliths similar to the Monoeye UFO as its method of attack.
Monoeye Idle Snow Snow Monoeye: A white subspecies who moved to a remote area of a snowy country for unknown reasons. Found in Metal Slug Attack.


  • Monoeyes have a physiology closest to that of humans.


Metal Slug 3
Heroes Marco RossiTarma RovingEri KasamotoFio Germi
NPCs POWRumi AikawaMadoka AikawaHyakutaro IchimonjiPresidentUtanScientistsSurvivorsDonald MordenAllen O'NeilRebel ArmyDivision 6MartiansRootmarsFishman
Enemies Rebel InfantryFanaticsGrenade SoldierBazooka SoldierShielded SoldierBikersRebel RiflemanMortarGatling SoldierMarine DiverJaponese InfantryMummiesMummy GeneratorDog MummyChariotZombiesTar ManSasquatchBatHuge LocustChowmein-CongaOhumein-CongaEnormous MorayJellyfishFlying KillerMan EaterMaggotGiant CaterpillarBig SnailSensor MineSupervisory CameraPatrol RobotMars PeopleMini-UFOMars SatelliteTiny UFORing Laser MechaHopper MechaMars MechaClones
Enemy Vehicles Di-CokkaM-15AT-2B Melty HoneyNop-03 SarubiaGirida-OLV ArmorParachuetruckM34 3-Ton TruckLandseekRebel VanR-ShobuMH-6S MasknellFlying TaraEaca-BTM-1 MissileHammer-YangU25UMini-Sub 88Japonese Tank SoldierNull Fighter
Bosses Huge HermitMonoeye UFOJupiter KingSol Dae RokkerRootmars
Mini-Bosses: MonoeyeHairbuster RibertsHi-DoRugnameFake RootmarsClone Incubator
Weapons Heavy Machine GunRocket LauncherShotgunFlame ShotEnemy ChaserLaser GunIron LizardSuper GrenadeDrop ShotGrenadeFire BombThunder CloudMobile SatelliteArmor PiercerAA Machine Gun
Slugs SV-001 (SV-001 Type-R) • SlugnoidSlug FlyerSlug MarinerBorobune SlugLV ArmorDrill SlugSlug CopterAstro SlugSV-CamelElephant SlugOstrich Slug
Missions A Couple's Love LandWandering at MidnightEyes Over the WavesTombstone of SandAll About Love
Other Fat IslandStorming the MothershipTransformationsEnvironmental ObjectsItems
Pachinko Sophia GreenvilleMargaret SouthwoodNavelSlug GunnerGolden Slug
Infantries Regular InfantryRebel InfantryArabian InfantryJaponese InfantryPiratesScientistsAmadeus InfantryPtolemaic InfantryNativesHuntersFuture RebelsBelieversDesert RebelsTuatha De DanannCavemen
Soldiers FanaticsGrenade SoldierBazooka SoldierShielded SoldierBikersRebel RiflemanMinelayer SoldierMortarGatling SoldierRocket DiverMarine DiverCannon DiverHazmat SoldierAirborne SoldierIce Hell SoldierPretty Morden DoubleGuerrillaSpecial ForcesCommanderMasked SoldierHarpoon DiverPowered Rebel SoldierLava SpecialistDemolition EngineerDriller EngineerBayonet SoldierArrogant ScientistBombardier CaptainFlame-Throwing ManSkyfire GuardVanguard BurrowerFar East SoldierBonesaw DoctorWhitebeak GunnerBluefeather WarriorCloud-Piercing ArcherVulture Cavalry
Undead Mummies (Mummy Generator) • Dog MummyMutated SoldiersZombiesTar ManClonesRelentless Zombie ArmyMummy CatMummy WarriorBonenoidZombie WarriorMummy ArcherExecutioner MummyBlack Jackal JarDeath GuardBug Master MummySerpentman GuardSerpent PriestJackal WarriorFalconman
Robotic Sensor MineSupervisory CameraPatrol RobotMorden RobotAmadeus RobotWall DroneUnitsMole MissileLaser DronePodsRebel WalkerValerian BearsConstruction GolemStone GolemDrone CameraSpider DroidBomb KidCounter DiscQuad-pedal Mobile CannonSuper Alloy NinjaMech DroneCyclone WheelsMech WarriorEyeball MineUnderwater Spike TrapSkycourt OverseerSkycourt ClawSkycourt WingSkycourt CleanerT-2B Melty Honey - AirWarning WarriorM-15A IIISarubia Mobile CannonIce Fang Bully
Mutants Chowmein-CongaOhumein-CongaEnormous MorayJellyfishFlying KillerMan EaterHuge LocustSasquatchMaggotBig SnailGiant CaterpillarSquidHuge IvyAssaultpengFlame HoundSuper SoldierSteel Conga Jr.Armed ArmadilloLava CrabWormWall BugFiery LizardBat KingNinja MantisLava TurtleMutated AntPoison Bomb FlowerMutated MothMartyr SlugAnnoying MosquitoBig-Bellied SpiderDesert ScorpionMein-CongaOverweight BeetleBaby CentipedeMonkey SoldierMonkey OfficerFungus FragrantiaFist Fungus BeastTurtle TurretTitan ArumSnapping Plant
Alien Mars PeopleMonoeyeRing Laser MechaHopper MechaMars MechaTiny UFOMars SatelliteMini-UFOTripodMars People RangersInvader InfantryWinged InvaderFlying ParasiteHunter WalkerGiant Hunter WalkerSpace Mole CricketCrab-TankVanguardSmasherInvader UFOFlying SheltFlying Core
Aquatic Black Magic Curse DemonPatrol EchinusArgonaut SailorBluefin SwordsmanFishfolk GunnerHexapod EnforcerAtlan WarriorVolt SoldierSea God GuardKnight CongaFighter CongaAmmonite SquidPuffer Boxing ChampionMegalodon Vanguard
Animals WatchdogBatChariotBeesOctopusMountain BearCrowMoleSilverwing AssassinArmer Eagle
Mythical Sand SpiritMini Djinn
Metal Slug TetsuyukiHairbuster RibertsTani OhShoe & KarnIron NokanaHi-Do
Mini-Bosses: Mini-BataAllen O'Neil
Metal Slug 2/X The Keesi II / Iron Nokana MK II (X) • Aeshi NeroDragon NosukeBig ShieeHozmiRugname
Mini-Bosses: Mosque ArtilleryThe Keesi II (X) • Karn (X) • Allen O'NeilDai-Manji
Metal Slug 3 Huge HermitMonoeye UFOJupiter KingSol Dae RokkerRootmars
Mini-Bosses: Twin Ohumein-CongaMonoeyesHairbuster RibertsHi-DoRugnameFake RootmarsClone Incubator
Metal Slug 4 Brave GuerrierToschka DalanueThe IronBig JohnSea SatanAmadeus Mother Computer
Mini-Bosses: Mecha Allen
Metal Slug 5 Metal RearShooting RayScreamerSand MarineAvatar of Evil
Mini-Bosses: Black HoundStone Turtle (unused) • Gaia ElephantPtolemaios (unused)
Metal Slug 6 Bull DrillIron SentinelBrain RobotElder CentipedeInvader King
Mini-Bosses: Invader ControllerKing's Cocoon
Metal Slug 7/XX Iron Death WormCrablopsDestroyed CrablopsFall ClimberThe UnionRebel GigantKraken
Mini-Bosses: Scrap TowerBig Gate
Metal Slug: 1st Mission Rebel VTOLRebel TrainMacbaRebel ZeppelinElectromagnetic CraneWeapons Port BossMetal Strider
Mini-Bosses: Facility ElevatorMacbaRebel Truck
Metal Slug: 2nd Mission Big BerthaTerrain CarrierRebel ReactorMacbaRebel SubmarineRebel BlimpTani OhWiredRebel AirplaneMetal StriderRocket UFO
Mini-Bosses: Power GeneratorsRebel RocketHyakutaro
Metal Slug Advance FormorEmain MachaKaladgolgThe Keesi IIICabracan
Mini-Bosses: Allen Jr.
Metal Slug 3D Spider-BotUnderground Cruise MissileMorden's BattleshipMorden's CastleLugusLieu
Mini-Bosses: ParachuetruckMosque ArtilleryAllen O'Neil"Rebel Destroyer Ship"
Metal Slug Attack Pharaoh's ArcPtolemaiosBall SlugGreat MotherMars GigantalosK-O3 Coupled Armored VehicleLand BlowfishCyclobsterSlug SquareZoni DolomaQuadro JumperDenturionD-GuFortmeranianRock MoleGiant CopterEt A OmnisVortexDigger BaseCrusty LegsArmored CrawlerQueen Big Snail7000 Class LocomotiveRiviere HyllMetal Fusioner No.223Drum SlugMars WolfSea DragonTetsujin SquadSand Twister No. 1GigantnoidDark GateKnight TankImpact CannonDive Assault Cannon AndrewOld Blood BeastOmikami
Metal Slug: Awakening SphinxConga Lava DominatorApepMoltar's LegacySteel CongaSherpaKhepriGordosTarpuReshephGold EyePharaohEarthcore DeityCrystal Beast CentipedeCrystal Beast CongaLauraCruiser Titan SubmarineAntaMecha AllenSirenTitanEchoAzagGalooSylrushRefining CauldronReaperCaesarenesHairbuster Riberts - ChargeHallelujahMishaEric McCanneyDai-ManjiJupiter King
Mini-Bosses: The Keesi IIAllen O'NeilIron NokanaMetal RearHellfire Bat KingShabtiBlack Hound
Joint Operation: VolmesFireflyGenaroKatherineSilenceMechanistSix-Armed Machine
Joint Operation Abyss S1: BeruaMeiruizigeMech Hermit CrabMachine GuardMaat
Joint Operation Abyss S2: Anta (Cursed)Fist Fungus Beast (Cursed)Cruiser Titan Submarine (Cursed)Knight Conga (Cursed)Siren (Cursed)Titan (Cursed)Firefly (Cursed)Cetus (Cursed)
Others: Dr. NeanderRift Crystal BeastCalamity Crystal BeastCalamity SnakeEye of CalamityTreasure Bowl
Flashback Mode: Hairbuster RibertsTetsuyukiMini-BataMosque ArtilleryGreen Ohumein-CongaRed Ohumein-CongaHuge HermitBig ShieeTani OhBig JohnHi-DoBombardier CaptainDragon Nosuke
Mobile Games Rocket Control RoomUnknown AlienHellfireSpiderbotCyclopsMega Laser TurretMars Battle UFOM-32 Water Carrier PlaneKouraiAlien Floating Structure
Irem's D.A.S. Universe Chi Un-D