Metal Slug Wiki

The Natives (also known as Islanders) are minor enemies in Metal Slug 5.


These natives live in the Corridor of Fire protecting the secrets that lies within these caves. They will attack any intruders using spears, torches or axes. The stone masks they wear appear in the form of a face (or a bird in Metal Slug Advance). The masks act as a form of protection that enable them to take several bullets before going down.

At the end of the first mission of Metal Slug 5, a group of Natives find a white mask. One of them takes his own mask off and places the white one on his face — lightning then strikes him. This is probably the origin of the cult-looking members, and presumably, the leader of the Ptolemaic Army, Ptolemaios.



Regular Native: Natives from the Corridor of Fire. They assist the Ptolemaic Army in Mission 1.
Bird Mask Variant: Natives who reside on the Regular Army training islands in Metal Slug Advance. They appear in Mission 3 and the Dungeon.
MSA Sea People Win
Sea People: A separate group of natives who worship a Sea Dragon. They have the ability to use utilize water to dodge and surf towards enemies. They primarily attack with axes but also use tridents and are capable of continuing the fight when incapacitated once. Appears in Metal Slug Attack.


Axe Native: They use a type of Tomahawk and fight primarily in close-combat. When not attacking, they will simply take no damage from regular bullets.
Spear Native
Spear Native: They throw spears at the enemy.
Torch Native
Torch Native: They throw torches at the enemy.



MSA Native Totem Native Columns: These kinds of columns dispatch hordes of Native warriors. Upon landing on the player, the player will be instantly killed, regardless of invincibility frames or vehicles currently being ridden. a variant of the Column, called the 17000000TOTEM, that is loaded with a flame thrower, was introduced in Metal Slug Attack to celebrate the game's 17 million downloads.
Fire Walls: A series of blowtorches within the walls that spew fire from one side of the line to the other.
Spiked Ceiling: A collapsing ceiling that impales anything. The only way to survive this trap is to crouch inside the holes until the ceiling rises upwards again.


  • The design of the natives is based on the Incas, and the style of the temple is based on the Aztecs and Mayans.
  • The native that got hit by the lightning at the end of Mission 1 is speculated to be Ptolemaios, or at least, a member of the cult.


Metal Slug 5
Heroes Marco RossiTarma RovingEri KasamotoFio Germi
NPCs POWRumi AikawaMadoka AikawaHyakutaro IchimonjiPtolemaic Army
Enemies Ptolemaic InfantryFanaticsGrenade SoldierBazooka SoldierShielded SoldierBikersSniperMortarNativesGuerrillaSpecial ForcesCommanderMasked SoldierWall DroneUnitsSensor MineBatMaggotJellyfishSquid
Enemy Vehicles Di-CokkaNop-03 SarubiaGirida-OM-15A BradleyJet Hammer-YangMini-Sub 88LandseekA.P.C.R-ShobuMH-6S MasknellFlying TaraEaca-BHover VehicleHover UnitPtolemaic SlugPtolemaic Saucer
Bosses Metal RearShooting RayScreamerSand MarineAvatar of Evil
Mini-Bosses: Black HoundGaia Elephant
Weapons Heavy Machine GunRocket LauncherShotgunEnemy ChaserIron LizardSuper GrenadeDrop ShotTwo Machine GunsGrenade
Slugs SV-001Slug FlyerSlug MarinerSlug GunnerSlug MobileAugensterm
Missions Heavy AfricanWindy DayIntrigueRun ThroughLast Ditch Resistance
Other TransformationsRA-TTTEnvironmental ObjectsItems
Unused Flame ShotPtolemaiosStone TurtlePink ZombiesThe Jet • "Achilles" • "Tabomba"
Metal Slug Advance
Heroes Walter RyanTyra Elson
NPCs POWRumi AikawaAllen O'Neil Jr.Rebel ArmyRegular Cadets
Enemies Rebel InfantryFanaticsGrenade SoldierBazooka SoldierShielded SoldierBikersRebel RiflemanMortarCannon DiverRocket DiverNativesJaponese InfantryBatCabracan Pod
Enemy Vehicles T-2B Melty HoneyNop-03 SarubiaGirida-OR-ShobuMH-6S MasknellFlying TaraTurretsBalor
Bosses FormorEmain MachaKaladgolgThe Keesi IIICabracan
Mini-Bosses: Allen Jr.
Weapons Heavy Machine GunRocket LauncherShotgunFlame ShotEnemy ChaserIron LizardSuper GrenadeDrop ShotGrenadeFire BombArmor Piercer
Slugs SV-001 (SV-001 Type-R) • Slug FlyerSlug GunnerBlack Hound
Missions Mission 1Mission 2Mission 3Mission 4Mission 5Dungeon
Other CardsItemsPA33-21 Boat
Infantries Regular InfantryRebel InfantryArabian InfantryJaponese InfantryPiratesScientistsAmadeus InfantryPtolemaic InfantryNativesHuntersFuture RebelsBelieversDesert RebelsTuatha De DanannCavemen
Soldiers FanaticsGrenade SoldierBazooka SoldierShielded SoldierBikersRiflemanMinelayer SoldierMortarGatling SoldierRocket DiverMarine DiverCannon DiverHazmat SoldierAirborne SoldierIce Hell SoldierPretty Morden DoubleGuerrillaSpecial ForcesCommanderMasked SoldierHarpoon DiverPowered Rebel SoldierLava SpecialistDemolition EngineerDriller EngineerBayonet SoldierArrogant ScientistBombardier CaptainFlame-Throwing ManSkyfire GuardVanguard BurrowerFar East SoldierBonesaw DoctorSuper Alloy NinjaWhitebeak GunnerBluefeather WarriorCloud-Piercing ArcherVulture Cavalry
Undead Mummies (Mummy Generator) • Dog MummyMutated SoldiersZombiesTar ManClonesRelentless Zombie ArmyMummy CatMummy WarriorBonenoidZombie WarriorMummy ArcherExecutioner MummyBlack Jackal JarDeath GuardBug Master MummySerpentman GuardSerpent PriestJackal WarriorFalconman
Robotic Sensor MineSupervisory CameraPatrol RobotMorden RobotAmadeus RobotWall DroneUnitsMole MissileLaser DronePodsRebel WalkerValerian BearsConstruction GolemStone GolemDrone CameraSpider DroidBomb KidCounter DiscQuad-pedal Mobile CannonMech DroneCyclone WheelsMech WarriorEyeball MineUnderwater Spike TrapSkycourt OverseerSkycourt ClawSkycourt WingSkycourt CleanerT-2B Melty Honey - AirWarning WarriorM-15A IIISarubia Mobile CannonIce Fang BullyBlizzard WolfIce Spike WhaleEsibarCat-Eared RobertCat-Shape Drone
Mutants Chowmein-CongaOhumein-CongaEnormous MorayJellyfishFlying KillerMan EaterHuge LocustSasquatchMaggotBig SnailGiant CaterpillarSquidHuge IvyAssaultpengFlame HoundSuper SoldierSteel Conga Jr.Armed ArmadilloLava CrabWormWall BugFiery LizardBat KingNinja MantisLava TurtleMutated AntPoison Bomb FlowerMutated MothMartyr SlugAnnoying MosquitoBig-Bellied SpiderDesert ScorpionMein-CongaOverweight BeetleBaby CentipedeMonkey SoldierMonkey OfficerFungus FragrantiaFist Fungus BeastTurtle TurretTitan ArumSnapping PlantMutated Morden Army
Alien Mars PeopleMonoeyeRing Laser MechaHopper MechaMars MechaTiny UFOMars SatelliteMini-UFOTripodMars People RangersInvader InfantryWinged InvaderFlying ParasiteHunter WalkerGiant Hunter WalkerSpace Mole CricketCrab-TankVanguardSmasherInvader UFOFlying SheltFlying CoreSpit FrogIce Fang BeastCrimson-Eyed Bat
Aquatic Black Magic Curse DemonPatrol EchinusArgonaut SailorBluefin SwordsmanFishfolk GunnerHexapod EnforcerAtlan WarriorVolt SoldierSea God GuardKnight CongaFighter CongaAmmonite SquidPuffer Boxing ChampionMegalodon Vanguard
Animals WatchdogBatChariotBeesOctopusMountain BearCrowMoleSilverwing AssassinArmer Eagle
Mythical Sand SpiritMini Djinn