Metal Slug Wiki
Rebellion Army
Rebel Army
Leader General Donald Morden
Commanders Allen O'Neil
Allen O'Neil Jr.
Founded 2023-2034; 2034-...
Headquarters Variable
Area of Operations Worldwide
Enemies With Regular Army
Ptolemaic Army (MSA)
Mummy Army (MSA)
Affiliated With Arabian Infantry
Japanese Army
Martians (formerly)
Amadeus Syndicate
Oguma Corporation (betrayed in MS3D)
Ptolemaic Army (MSI and Possibly MSAwk)
Far East Division
Mummy Army (Temporarly in MSAwk)
Atlan Army
Mad Serpents (Temporarily in MSAwk)

Example of the division of the Rebel Army

The Rebel Army (反乱軍 Hanran-gun), also known as the Rebellion Army and Morden Army (モーデン軍 Mōden-gun), led by General Donald Morden, is the main enemy of the Regular Army. They started the war against the Regular Army in 2026.

The Rebellion Army was born out of and as a consequence of multiple terrorist groups that began to emerge in the opening of the 21st century. For the majority of that century's first 20 years, the Rebellion Army as we know it did not exist - the terrorist groups had no real cohesion, and though they were a nuisance to the Regular Army they weren't really considered a globe-shaking threat.

Little is known about the organization's ideology (despite the visual resemblance to Nazi Germany in their uniforms and flags), but it can be safely assumed that they seek to overthrow the World Government and establish an authoritarian state (or possibly a totalitarian one) under the iron fist of its general.


The Central Park bombing in 2023 changed all that, when it was discovered that among the casualties was the wife and daughter of a prominent member of the Regular Army's intelligence agency - Donald Morden, who also lost the use of one of his eyes as a result of the incident. Morden was distraught, and when he discovered that the Regular Army could have prevented the bombing and subsequently his wife and daughter's deaths, but did not due to the level of corruption in the government and military, he collapsed, turning for a brief period to rampant alcoholism before resigning in disgust. Morden was a well-respected leader and many of his troops (including his best soldier, Allen O'Neil) went with him, vanishing into the mists.


Fast-forward to three years later, in 2026. After a period of relative peace, Morden reappeared at the head of the Rebel Army- a vast and powerful military organization formed by combining the existing terrorist groups he now controls with Morden's own defected troops. Morden then launched the first of several coups to attempt to overthrow the government and free the military of corruption.

The Rebel Army is more than a match for the Regular Army: the resources at their disposal are horrifyingly vast and varied, ranging from legions of fanatically loyal infantry wielding every kind of weapon imaginable to long columns of tanks in all sorts of forms to monstrous and enormous death machines that can each take on entire armies. Though they have been defeated multiple times (always at the hands of the Regular Army's elite troops led by Marco Rossi) they are intent upon achieving their goal, and will not stop until it is completed.

The Rebels are fanatically intent to end the governmental and military corruption, and have been known to go to extreme ends to do so, including allying themselves with the Amadeus Syndicate and even the otherworldly Martians to gain extra muscle. These endeavors usually end in a double-cross (or even a triple-cross), however, and often the Rebel Army finds itself fighting alongside the Regulars to save the world for the both of them (and, once, alongside the Regulars and the Martians in a desperate battle against the Invaders).

Rebel Army troops are renowned for their fearless devotion to duty, though they have been known to cut and run if the situation looks particularly grim. Their ranks are seemingly endless and their weapons are brutally effective, if a bit outdated in comparison. Despite this, they continually find themselves outmatched by the superior fighting skill of the Peregrine Falcons unit, hence resulting in their numerous defeats. By the end of the main Metal Slug series with Metal Slug 7, they have been almost wiped out, but although defeated, they are not ready to give up yet.


The Rebel Army has many uniforms based on its rankings and are of operations due to its militaristic nature. They highly value the hierarchy and individual merits. Some wear unique type of uniforms that either benefit them from combat or differentiate them from the rest of the army. These individuals usually have the Rebel insignia on their clothes, accessories, or weapons. Most of the time it is a red armband with the Rebel logo.

Standard Uniforms[]

Green Uniform: Common woodland uniform of the Rebel Army.
Special Forces Uniform: Gold Uniform worn only by Rebels carrying items. In Metal Slug Attack, they are also more skilled than the standard Rebel.
Pink Rebel Uniform (MS3): Uniform worn by playable Rebels from the minigame Storming the UFO exclusive to the PS2/Xbox version of Metal Slug 3.
Winter Uniform: Uniform used in snowy terrains for camouflaging purposes.
Pink Rebel Uniform (Advance): Uniforms worn by Rebels in Metal Slug Advance. Some appear alongside the red Emain Macha while others appear as ambush groups.
Blue Rebel Uniform: Uniforms worn by Rebels in Metal Slug Advance. They highly resemble the Amadeus Syndicate uniforms; it is unknown if they are affiliated or not.
Future Armor: Futuristic armored uniform worn by the Future Rebels.
Bodyguard Uniform: Gray uniform worn by bodyguards. They only appear in Metal Slug Attack.
Beatriz's Shadow Soldier Uniform: Black Rebel uniform worn exclusively by Beatriz's shadow soldiers.
Blaze Brigade Uniform: Red uniform worn by soldiers from the Blaze Brigade.
MS3D Desert Rebel Model Crop
Desert Unit Uniform: Desert khaki uniform worn by soldiers from the Desert Unit. They only appear in Metal Slug 3D.


Biker Gear: Uniform worn by Bikers. Inexplicably turn into the standard green uniform when defeated.
Diving Gear: Uniform worn by Rocket Divers, Marine Divers and Harpoon Divers.
MSA Special Airborne Soldier Fly
Jetpack Gear: Uniform worn by female Special Arborne Soldiers. Highly resemble uniforms worn by female Regular Army soldiers.
MSA Ice Hell Soldier Idle
Bodysuit: Uniform worn by "Gas Mask Soldiers", Ice Hell Soldiers and Norah for protection from constant handling of extreme substances.
MSA Pretty Morden Double idle
Pretty Morden Uniform: Uniform worn by female Rebels to imitate General Morden's temporary dainty appearance as a means to fool the enemy.
ScientistMSAwk Arrogant Scientist Model Crop Lab Coat: Distinctive coat worn by the Rebel scientists.
MSAwk Lave Specialist Model Crop
Lava Gear: Uniform worn by Lava Specialists for heat protection within extremely hot environments.
MSAwk EnemyIllustrated 171
Special Forces Gear (Gas Mask): Improved Ptolemaic Special Forces gear worn by the Rebel Army in Metal Slug: Awakening.
MSAwk Vanguard Burrower Model Crop
Explorer Gear: Uniform worn by Vanguard Burrowers for exploring deep underground areas.
MSAwk Driller Engineer Model Crop
Driller Gear: Uniform worn by Driller Engineers.
MSAwk Bombardier Captain Model Crop
Bombardier Uniform: Uniform worn by Bombardier Captains.
MSAwk Bayonet Soldier Model Crop
Bayoneteer Uniform: Uniform worn by Bayonet Soldiers.
MSAwk Demolition Engineer Model Crop
Demolition Uniform: Uniform worn by Demolition Engineers.
MSAwk Bonesaw Doctor Model Crop
Surgeon Uniform: Uniform worn by Bonesaw Doctors.
MSAwk EnemyIllustrated 128
Ninja Exoskeleton: Gear worn by Super Alloy Ninjas.

Special Uniforms[]

Abigail MSA idle
Standard Officer Guideline: Although the officers' style of clothing vary, it commonly consists of a blazer, a button-up shirt, a red tie, a pair of boots and a Rebel armband. Color is of a dark shade, usually the standard green.
Special Vita MSA win
Standard Idol Guideline: Cutesy style of uniform consisting of a blouse and a frilly skirt accompanied with bows or ribbons. These are typically worn by idols for morale purposes; any female Rebel can also wear it.
MSA Special Katalina Idle
Summer Uniform: Green uniform reminiscent of a sailor dress. Used for missions in hot environments.
MSA ST Loretta Special
Female Blaze Brigade Uniform: Red uniform worn by female members of the Blaze Brigade. Consists of a cropped long-sleeved jacket, black gloves, and boots. Bottom wear varies, though it comes in black and red and is held up by suspenders or a belt.
MSA Emma Stand Idle
Mechanic Uniform: Uniform worn by mechanics. It consists of overalls with a black sleeveless shirt underneath.
Medic Uniform: A basic nurse uniform worn by medics.

Units of the Rebel Army[]

General of the Army[]

General morden
General Donald Morden (General; Leader of the Rebel Army)


Abigail sbts risa
Abigail (Commander; Morden's assistant)
Dion MSA Idle
Dion (Lieutenant officer/Second-in-command)
MSA Romy Idle
Romy (ACE member Pilot)
MSA Kriemhild Idle
Kriemhild (ACE member and Armed Tiltrotor Pilot)
MSA Kataline Idle
Katalina (ACE member and Scientist)

Arabian Rebellion[]

Abul Abbas (Commander of the Arabian Rebellion)
MSA Shizuka Idle
Shizuka (Hired Assassin)
MSA Aisha Idle
Aisha (Abul's loyal bodyguard)

"Frozen Brigade"[]

Beatriz MSA idle
Beatriz (Commander of the brigade)
MSA Vicky Idle
Vicky (Frozen Brigade Unit)
MSA Dolores Idle
Dolores (Frozen Brigade Unit)

Blaze Brigade[]

MSA Grazia Idle
Grazia (Commander of the brigade)
MSA Loretta Win
Loretta (Second-in-command)
MSA Norah Idle
Norah (Burner Ranger of the Blaze Brigade)

Allen Platoon[]

Allen O'Neil (Commander of the platoon; Morden's right hand)
Destrade MSA idle
Destrade (Second-in-command)
Huracan MSA idle
Huracan (Allen Platoon Unit)
MSA Conny Idle
Conny (Allen Platoon Unit)
MSA Nantes Win
Nantes (Allen Platoon Private)
MSA Padwah Idle
Padwah (Allen Platoon Unit)
Olga MSA idle
Olga (Allen Platoon Unit)
MSA Virginia Win
Virginia (Allen Platoon Unit)


MS2NDM Kanan Idle
Kanan (Commander of the squad)
MS1STM Hilde Garn Idle
Hilde Garn (Colonel/Second-in-command)
Macba (Lieutenant-Colonel)
MS2ndM Wired Idle
Wired (Lieutenant)
MS2ndM Col. Tender Idle
Col. Tender (Lieutenant and Regular Army traitor)


Extra Raven MSA idle
"Extra Raven" (Covert agent)

"Rebel Affiliated Natives"[]

MST Paqar Sprite
Paqar (Commander of the Natives)

Gravity and Magnetism Lab[]

MSAwakening Catherine 3D Model Render
Katherine (Commander of the Gravity and Magnetism Lab)

Rebel Army Mecha Team[]

MSAwk Misha Model Crop
Misha (Commander of the Mecha Team)

Research Division[]

Navy MSA idle2
Navy (Director of the research division)
Vita MSA idle
Vita (Experimental cyborg created by Navy)
Nova MSA idle
Nova (Future Rebel; Vita's clone)
MSA Emma Stand Idle
Emma (Mechanic)
MSA Millefie Turnaround
Millefie (Mechanic and Iwa Oh pilot)
MSA Sylfie Win
Sylfie (Mechanic and Fight Cab pilot)
MSA Fluffy Special
Fluffy (Mechanic and Fluffymeranian pilot)
MSA Eight Eight Mechanic
Eight Eight's Mechanic (Operator; Unnamed Mechanic assigned to be caretaker)
Scientist Idle Anim
Unnamed Rebel Scientists

Far East Division[]

MSAwk Silence Model Crop
Silence (Mechanized Monk)

Artificial Intelligence[]

MSAwk Mechanist Model Crop
Mechanist (Mobile Arsenal)
MSAwk Six-Armed Machine Model Crop
Six-Armed Machine AI
MSAwk Reaper Model
Reaper AI

Other Known Members[]

MSSV001 Sosuke Crop
Sosuke N Kagamihara (Tetsuyuki pilot and operator)
MSSV001 Vassar Crop
Vasser Gutenschiff (Hairbuster Riberts pilot)
MSSV001 Leta Crop
Rita Kanikoja (Tani Oh pilot)
MSSV001 Sagan Logan Crop
Sagan and Logan Gail (Shoe & Karn Pilots)
MSR Victor Crop
Victor (General)
Allen jr risa
Allen O'Neil Jr. (Allen's son)
MSA Rapid Idle Stand
Rapid (Supply unit officer/Rebel train conductor)
Julia Unused Ilde
Julia (Army Officer; Allen Jr.'s girlfriend)
MSA Chloe Win
Chloe (Transportation Officer/pilot)
MSA Izabella Idle
Izabella (Prison Warden)
MSA Edda Idle
Edda (Mercenary)
MSA Growth Stand
Growth (Mercenary duo)
MSA Cline Idle
Cline (Mercenary duo)
MSA Naomi Idle
Naomi (Instructor/Aviation Corps officer)
Alesha (Biker)
Jane Doe (Medic)
MSIUnit Nanook
Nanook (Combat-ready Polar Bear)
MSIUnit Fio(Double Agent)
Fio Germi (Regular Army Double agent)
MSC Dalia
Dalia (Mercenary and Mech pilot)
Dr. Neander Model Crop
Dr. Neander (Crazy Mad Scientist)
MSAwk Tarpu Model Crop
Tarpu (Mech Maniac/Captured Scientist)
MSAwk Sid Model Crop
Sid (Rebel Conspirator)


Rebel Infantry (Main Infantry)
Future Rebels (Future Infantry)
Arabian Infantry (Affiliated allies)
Japonese Infantry (Hired Arms)
Amadeus Infantry (Affiliated allies)
Far East Soldier Model Crop
Far East Infantry (Affiliated allies)
Ptolemaic Infantry (Affiliated remnants)


Professor MSA win
Professor (Director of the research center; deserted to the Martians)
Percier MSA win2
Percier (Professor's assistant; deserted to the Martians)
Ariadna Idle
Ariadna (Officer; deserted to the Martians for unknown reasons)
MSA Harriot Win
Harriot (Soldier now double agent; possibly deserted to the Martians)
MSA Leone Stand
Leone (ACE recruit; temporarily deserted to the Martians until the Invaders on her tank are cleared out)
MSAwk Silverwing-Saya
Silverwing Series 0001 "White Angel" (Rebel Army A.I.; Referred to as Silverwing-Saya. defected to the Regular Army.)
MSAwk Dr.Dee Model Crop
Dr. Dee (Energy Research Expert; defected to the Regular Army.)

Vehicles and Artillery[]

DenturionFlyVan-RebeldeRebel Formor

See Rebel Vehicles for in-depth overview.











Biological Weapons[]



KT-21-MovingRebel Army Unused Armored Car

Bosses and Prototypes[]

These are the unique vehicles in possession of the Rebel Army, designed for large scale operations and vigilance.

Main Army[]


Far East Division[]

Borrowed Tech[]

Vehicles and technology borrowed from other factions.

Affiliated Allies[]





Rebellion Army alternate symbol.

  • Their symbol and uniforms are a parody of the Nazi Party with their right-sided swastikas being "X"s. The practice of replacing Swastikas with "X"s is also used in other games such as War Thunder, Warship Girls, and Azur Lane.
  • Originally, in Metal Slug to Metal Slug 5, for comedic effect enemy soldiers would scream in surprise once they spotted the player. In Metal Slug 6, their screams had been toned down in comparison to previous entries in the series. Metal Slug 7 revitalized this tradition only for it to be once again removed in Metal Slug XX (except for the Xbox ports). However, in Metal Slug 4, the Rebels used the sound where a Rebel soldier is burned to death.
  • In Metal Slug: Awakening, the alternative symbol has the skull removed due to cultural superstitions in China where the game's developers Tencent and TiMi Studios are located.
Regular Army P.F. SquadS.P.A.R.R.O.W.SIkari WarriorsMetal Device ProjectBlackfire Defense
Rebel Army Rebel InfantryArabian RebellionPHANTOM SquadFuture RebelsACEAllen PlatoonBlaze Brigade • "Frozen Brigade" • MRAWDesert RebelsFar East DivisionRebel Army Mecha Team
Large Scale MartiansAmadeus SyndicatePtolemaic ArmyInvadersOguma CorporationMummy ArmyAtlan Army (Dolphins) • Armerian Army (Mad Serpents) • Concerians
Small Scale Japonese Army (Division 6) • PiratesKOF TeamRed Goblin SocietySecret SectVampires • "World Military Corp." • Yuki Tsuki HanaMirage CircusKemut PosseIce Pole AllianceMechanian Alliance
Mixed Space ArmyEastAnother ForceDesert ArmyRevolution Army