Metal Slug Wiki


Tarmicle "Tarma" Roving III is one of the main characters in the Metal Slug series.

Character Summary[]

"So what's your next move...?" - Tarma's pet phrase.

The son of a distinguished American military man named Tarmicle Roving Jr., he entered the Special Forces Training School immediately after junior high school. At the age of 20, he joined the PF Squad on a mission to rescue the president, where he met Marco and became fast friends. Upon discovering that Marco had been selected for a counteroffensive in the Great War, he volunteered for action, where they fought through and survived the war together. Following the war, both he and Marco were promoted, with Tarma becoming captain.

In private, Tarma often makes fun of the over-serious Marco, but holds him in the highest regard as a soldier. He builds custom motorcycles [1] as a hobby with a knack that rivals even professionals. Tarma had intended to retire and start up a motorcycle shop following the First Morden Great War, but he was coaxed by his superiors to remain in service. His favorite food is fermented beans on rice.

Tarma is often seen hitting on women regardless of faction affiliation. This usually results in failure, but he does not get depressed after a rejection and will not pursue them too hard. He thinks this as just another strategy after a failed mission.

For such a breezy man, Tarma is a vigilante at heart who does not ever forgive those who have assaulted his comrades and will avenge them when they are heavily injured.


Tarma has auburn hair with medium-length parted bangs and sideburns, with brown eyes. His military gear is his sunglasses (in which he wears more than Clark Still wears his), a white sleeveless shirt, a golden vest, grayish-green army cargo-pants, and brown paratrooper boots. Usually he wears black wristbands, but some artwork has with black gloves.


In Metal Slug 6 and Metal Slug 7/XX, Tarma is best skilled with the Slugs. Slugs piloted by Tarma have the power of the Vulcan boosted by 50%, and Slug health is doubled. He can fix the Slug's Vulcan in one position by holding down the fire button. Also, he will receive twice the cannon ammo for the Slug.

Starting with Metal Slug 7, when outside of a Slug, he can use the Slug Kick move (Special + Fire) to replenish the Slug's armor (or randomly damage it). This only works with vehicle Slugs.



Death Sound

Metal Slug: Awakening[]

Ultimate Skill


  1. He is a highly talented fighter. however, his interest lies in motorcycles, and he dreams of becoming a motorcycle shop owner after he retires. - Metal Slug: Awakening
Heroes Main Series Marco RossiTarma RovingEri KasamotoFio GermiTrevor SpaceyNadia CasselRalf JonesClark StillLeona Heidern
Spin-Offs Walter RyanTyra ElsonHeroGimletRed EyeTequila
Mobile Roberto NicolaNathalie NeoAlisa StewartHeltonTildeNikitaMatildaAmirWhipHeidernMerris
Support Hyakutaro IchimonjiRumi AikawaMadoka AikawaUtanNavelSelinaIssenman TarouErisHyakumantaroPupipi
Villains Main Series Donald MordenAllen O'NeilAbul AbbasRootmarsDoctorAvatar of EvilInvader King
Spin-Offs Allen Jr.OgumaMacbaLt. WiredKananHilde GarnPaqar
Mobile Unknown AlienVictorPtolemaiosAnubis the ChainedNanookDalia
Pachinko Sosuke N KagamiharaVasser GutenschiffRita KanikojaSagan and Logan Gail
Instructors Sophia GreenvilleMargaret SouthwoodRiviera von WittenbergMaryell von WittenbergCynthia HartnettAnne
NPC AnnouncerPOWsParkerGrey AlienSachiko SuzukiGerhardt City CiviliansColonel HartChris KeyAlexander SuvorovBabyScott Amundsen Jr.MinerGenie of LampOrcaPresident MarxSurvivorsFishmanFinnSailorChinese Soldier
Crossover KOF TeamBattle Cats
Unused Phil GeneMichiko NakajimaAngry Man • "Achilles" • "Tabomba" • Goddess AncorAbu
Metal Slug: Awakening
Heroes Original LylaEva GlennHaranScarlettGru KangSayaKukikEisernerJoeLilithAmeDong HuanlongIlumFreyjaEskeAuroraMartinaShadowHorae
Crossover VioletKyo KusanagiAlessioSun ShangxiangMarco Polo
NPC AmirEliaCelineVictorAsukaMiaLambertGaddCrowLucasClub ButlerClub ManagerSiruiAceAndreShirleyEve • "Elaine" • BucaraEileenHasanSalemKemut CiviliansHachooDr. DeeEugeniaNesoLauraAjaxTheoUtanHeeroIshtarUtharWizzChadKing HaroldMimirNiordYmirCarolineCharlesOdinEric McCannyOliveMeituan MascotIvan
Villains PharaohTarpuShabtiKatherineSilenceMechanistDr. NeanderSidEchoGalooCaesarenesMisha
Metal Slug Attack
Regular Army Associates MS-AliceAnna WieseMidori SchumannMelloRita LewinskyAmberNikitaReika BradfordLouiseGiseeMS-HeartAshleyRockyGrowlJephetVictoriaClaudiaKanaeHowellPhiElizabeth MarianiUndoCharlotteNayutaro Ichimonji
Metal Device Project PercheAmiMollyMenzelUlalaMaggieAvvioQuaithKaren
KOF Mai ShiranuiTerry BogardKula DiamondK'Athena Asamiya
Rebel Army Associates RapidJuliaChloeIzabellaEddaGrowth & ClineNaomiAleshaJane Doe
ACE AbigailDionRomyKriemhildKatalina
"Frozen Brigade" BeatrizVickyDolores
Blaze Brigade GraziaLorettaNorah
Allen Platoon DestradeHuracanConnyNantesPadwahOlgaVirginia
Science Department VitaNavyNovaEmmaMillefieSylfieFluffyEight Eight
Arabian Army ShizukaAisha
MRAW Extra Raven
Ptolemaic Army Rebellion DragunovYoshinoCarolineVeronicaSisiliaTowaSimonMiharuChunyanOwenShoLucyPhoebeJosetteMizunaMatildaLittle Lady BlackSvetlaHumphreyLithosYutongTatyanaCicaLinhuaValette
Cultists Mira D. GenesisMariaDamianAchettoSallyCaraOao-OneSorceress
Secret Sect Anastasia IVBelieversBeechamMelvinaAnastasia IZahara
Others Reverse TrinityPtolemaios Shadow
Space Army Martians Professor "Aionion"Mars People NeoPercierClone AbbyClone BettyMars People RangersAriadnaGemini TwinsHalleBonnyClarioHarriotCode Marionette:UnPaulineLeoneClarisDracoRaubtierMalkuthMostro
Invaders OdetteAnnetteLydiaNowanSchwarz MetzeleiFedeln MetzeleiRillacleFrankeTelekoBloom MetzeleiOdileBersekGeweih MetzeleiPurple KingBarbelnBiene GoldenesSwordeistDrache GoldenesEis MonstrumAi AgateLiebenGoldenes KriegerPictura
Unaffiliated UnsignedLi Lin
Independent Army Amadeus Syndicate White BabyAlmaOttoIron FortressValerian BearsFirst BabyType:Ant-LionSweet BabyMelk
Red Goblin Society Scotia AmundsenRed GoblinVatnJinIreneElenaLichtIchimaWendyBushin TenzanMaki
Mummy Army PharaohCleopatraHemetArsinoeHatholSharifaRamalSekhatWepset
Vampires AswangAgaliaSharlGrace
Yuki Tsuki Hana KaguraKeisetsuTsukikageOuka
"World Military Corp." KellyMayaMirror Mantis
Mirage Circus CocatrixBunnyFlan
Unaffiliated El DoradoElysionEstherTeresaMinervaYang DaoIdoPhiliaHisui